50% Rule
January 18, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Replace language in the Decision Making agreement related to 50% requirement for reopening issues with the following: All decisions will remain in force until they are replaced by another decision. A decision previously made will be reconsidered only if: A) A majority of Member Households wants to reconsider the decision. Requests for reconsideration of a decision must be in writing (petition, email, etc.). — OR — B) The Planning and Oversight Team decides that there is significant cause to reconsider the decision.
Additional Member Investment
January 18, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•All Member Households purchasing SJC-built homes will be required to increase their nonrefundable investment in SJCDC to 10% of the expected cost of their purchase from SJCDC (includes lot, home, garage, carport, etc.). A deadline for the increased investment will be set by the Finance Team based on the anticipated closing date on our construction loan. A return on this additional investment will be given to the Member Households in the form a Discount Rate in the same manner as Member Investor Discount program. The additional investment will go towards the Member Households purchase from SJCDC. The Finance Team will work with our attorneys to draw up the necessary legal agreements.
Hot Tub
January 18, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•1) Designate oak patch within circle of Juniper & Pinon (with blue ribbon) behind Village Green as hot tub location.
•2) Appropriate hot tub infrastructure will be installed to hot tub location during site development work. This cost is not to exceed $2000 and will be added to the site development budget.
•3) Agree to use SJCDC profits to purchase a community hot tub (including installation) and construct a patio and path for it. These costs are not to exceed $13,000. If SJCDC does not realize a profit, there is no provision to purchase a hot tub. Possible expenditures using the SJCDC profits will be prioritized once the amount of the profits are known.
•4) Should the use of the hot tub prove to be an infringement on the privacy of any residents, we will plant trees, build a wall around the hot tub, or take some other action to mitigate the problem.
Ponds & Streams
January 18, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•1) During site development work a pipeline will be laid from the lower end (SW) of the community (the disturbed area during construction) to the upper end (NE). This pipeline will provide the possibility of later construction of ponds at either end of the community which will be connected by this pipeline to create a recycling water flow through the community. Additional pipes and hardware will also be put in to allow for future use of this system as a community and private water catchment and landscape watering system.
•2) The initial cost that would come out of the current landscaping budget will not exceed $4000.
•3) The total final system cost, should the whole system be built, will not exceed $7500. Should it appear that the final cost will exceed this, the initial pipeline will not be constructed without additional community approval.
Private Landscaping
January 18, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt a new Private Landscaping agreement.
Additional Loan Pre-qualification
February 1, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•By February 19, all Member Households will be required to submit to the Finance Team a written loan pre-qualification for their expected purchase from SJCDC. The loan pre-qualification must be obtained from Burns Bank or Burns Mortgage, unless the Member Household has gotten permission from the Finance Team to go elsewhere. In the case of Members buying SJC-built homes, they must pre-qualify for a loan for the purchase of their selected lot and model. In the case of Members going custom-built, they must pre-qualify for a loan for the purchase of their selected lot. A Member Household that proves liquid assets to Burns Bank in excess of their pre-qualification loan amount is exempted from this requirement.
February 1, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following new language in the Goals agreement:
◦1. Construction
▪We will break ground by June 1, 1999. We will complete design, finance, County Approval, and other work in a timely manner in order to do that.
◦2. Move-In
▪The common house and all SJC-built homes will be ready for move-in by February 1, 2000.
◦3. Membership
▪We will maintain full membership with a waiting list of at least 4 households. To do that, we will minimally advertise to the larger community to build awareness in HC and we will support interested people in their exploration of HC.
Natural Gas
February 1, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•All homes will be supplied with a natural gas hook up. Stationary propane tanks will not be allowed on site except in those situations where natural gas is infeasible. We will add up to $50K (net of rebate) to the budget to pay to make the natural gas hook ups available.
Membership Application
February 1, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•We will freeze membership acceptance until we have a decision on revised membership application. We will seek to have this in place by 02/15/99.
Change Model Designations
February 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to change Carlsons from a custom single model choice to Model E and to redesignate Lot A3 accordingly and to redesignate Lot A4 as open to custom single, Model D, or Model E.
Membership Application
February 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Replace the current Participation requirements of the Membership Application for both Locals and Long Distance folks with the following:
◦Each adult in the household must tour the land, meet and converse with at least 8 current members, and attend one Business Meeting and one other function (Potluck, Business Meeting, etc.). The Business Meeting and other function must to be at least two weeks apart.
•Anyone submitting an application after February 1 must meet these new Participation requirements.
Project Manager Reimbursement
February 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to increase Mac’s expense reimbursement to $100 per month effective January 1, 1999 (for all expenditures less than $20 apiece).
Architectural Standards Business Meeting
February 27, 1999
(Note: All decisions were made using Super Majority Vote due to urgency.)
Paragraph 1 – INTRODUCTION
We decided to adopt as written.
Paragraph 4 – STANDARDS
We decided to adopt as written with the following changes:
•4.A.2. Setbacks (4.A.2.a.b.a.): Change to read: “For duplexes, there is no “minimum” setback from their shared side lot line.” Add the word “minimum”.
•4.A.3 Bulk Plane (4.A.3.b.) Change to read: “For lots D1 – D8, in order to protect solar access to the pathway and northern neighbors…”
•4.A.4 Grading & Drainage (4.A.4.a.): Change to read: “Cuts and fills… within the lot boundary” — change to: “Grading will be contoured to fit into the existing terrain and blend in with neighboring properties in an aesthetically pleasing way.”
•4.A.5 Style and Materials (4.A.5.c.): Eliminate the first sentence – “Homes will have low and moderately pitched (4:12 and 8:12), simple roof lines.” Also eliminate this sentence: “The pitch and style of the roofs may be varied slightly to maximize passive solar efficiencies.”
•4.A.7. Community Interaction: Change 4.A.7.b. to “All homes will include a front porch or patio of at least 100 s.f. oriented to the central pathway.”
•4.A.8. Home Type (4.A.8.a.a.): Change to read: “At least 50% of the shorter wall of the two joined houses that is parallel to and facing the property line must be a party wall. Porch area is not included.” (NOTE: This standard is to be used for purposes of determining what type of house can go on a particular lot and the resultant lot pricing. For the bank’s purposes, a house with any level of attachment would be considered a duplex and required to have exterior maintenance and HO insurance provided by the HOA.)
•4.A.8. Home Type (4.A.8.a.b.): Change to read: “Every other home that is not defined as a duplex is a single home.”
•4.A.9. Construction Deadlines (4.A.9.b – Yard Clean Up and 4.A.9.c – Landscaping): Eliminate.
•4.B. Wood Burning Appliances: Change to read: “Should local air pollution prove to be excessive, restrictions may be placed on the use of wood burning appliances in this order: aesthetic wood burning appliances to be restricted first, secondary heat source appliances second, and those used as the primary heat source last.”
•4.C. Fencing: Eliminate section from the Arch. Standards, but modify the Private Landscaping agreement to include this statement: “If agreement cannot be reached between the neighbors, the issue will be brought before the Design Review Team for resolution before the fence may be built.”
•4.D. Exterior Lighting: Eliminate from Architectural Standards, but include in Covenants.
•4.E. Tree Shading: Eliminate.
•4.F. Satellite Dishes: Eliminate.
We decided to adopt as written.
We decided to adopt as written with the following changes:
•2.B.3.: Change to read: “The DRT will seek consultation from architects and other professionals as needed. The DRT will notify the applicant before professional consultation is sought. The fees of such consultations, not to exceed $500, will be paid by the applicant. If the applicant does not agree, the application will be withdrawn.”
•2.F. Appeals: Change to read: “After the above appeals and the applicant would still like to appeal to the whole group, a final decision can be made at the entire group level, by the community as a whole.”
We decided that since all situations listed under self-compliance except wood burning appliances have been removed from the Arch. Standards, this Paragraph is to be eliminated and wood burning appliances can be moved up to Paragraph 2.
Paragraph 6 – INSURANCE
We decided to eliminate.
Paragraph 7 – VARIANCE
We decided to adopt as written.
Paragraph 8 – ENFORCEMENT
We decided to adopt as written with the following changes:
•8.A. Failure to Comply: Add language: “If a member fails to comply with the Arch. Standards, the HOA can rectify the situation at the homeowner’s expense. If the homeowner doesn’t cough up the $$, the HOA can possess the homeowner’s home.”
•8.B.: Eliminate.
We decided to adopt as written with the following changes:
•Delete “and be attractive” from last sentence.
We decided to adopt as written.
Lot Shuffle
March 1, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following lot and model shuffle:
•Pams go to A4 (Custom Single)
•Carlsons (Model D) move to B2
•Sondra goes to D5/D6 (Custom Duplex) (decision by 3/3)
•Ruthanne goes to D5/D6 (Custom Duplex)
•Clarks goes to A3 (Custom Single)
•Scott & Julie go to D3/D4 (Model A) (decision by 3/3)
Parking & Storage
March 1, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Private storage needs will be met primarily by basements, carports w/an attached storage locker, and garages. These will be privately owned and paid for by their owners. A storage barn will not be built at this time, but could be considered in the future should the need arise.
•The carports and garages will be professionally designed with direct input form the Storage Design Team. This team will be headed up by Werner and will be open to anyone who wants to participate.
•The community will build and pay for special storage for bikes and for shared yard tools (e.g., rakes, wheelbarrows, etc.). The storage of community carts will be addressed when the parking lot design is finalized.
•HC will provide free uncovered parking close to the cluster for vehicles used on a frequent basis (approx. weekly). There may come a time, if we run low on parking spaces, that rules regarding maximum number of vehicles per household may need to be created.
•HC will also provide a parking lot in a remote, unobtrusive location for the free storage of oversized and/or infrequently used vehicles and other large outdoor stuff. The Land Stewardship Team will determine the size and location of the parking lot and will establish guidelines for and manage its use.
•The total number of parking spaces will be revisited when we finalize our site plan.
Waiting List Policy
March 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal (to be included in Membership Levels Agreement):
•If current Members in Waiting wish to change positions, but there is no one willing to take responsibility for a vacated position or if a current Member wishes to change positions, the Project Manager may authorize the change if it is satisfactory to all people directly involved and is in the best interest of the community in the Project Manager’s judgment. If the Project Manager proposes a change or denies a requested change that is not completely satisfactory to all people directly involved, the proposed change will go to the community for a decision. The decision will be based primarily on what’s in the best interest of the community and secondarily on the lot selection queue and other factors.
Model A
March 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Completely redesign Model A with ~500 sf on 2nd floor stacked over ~500 sf on main floor over an unfinished basement (estimated cost of $112K). with special instructions to Matt to minimize solar shading problems and to make the design cohesive with any custom plans he receives within one week (with special attention to building height and bulk plane). The redesign costs will be borne 50% by the Goodman/Kusters and 50% by whoever buys the other model A unit.
Departing Member Refund
March 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Because SJCDC is under no legal obligation to refund any of a Member’s investment should they choose to leave and because Members who join and subsequently quit cost the community in terms of time and money, any Member choosing to quit the community as of March 25, 1999, will receive a refund equal to the amount invested minus $2000. This withholding of $2000 will not be imposed on anyone who quits before it becomes effective. However, Mac may, in his discretion, ask those Members to voluntarily allow withholding of $2000.
Site Plan Revisions
March 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposals:
•Lot A/B: Serves 4 homes: A1 – A4 Build 6 carports (5 reserved) Total parking spaces: 12 – 16 Matt will look to reconfigure and probably combine Lot A/B with the following objectives: Minimize views of cars from the backyards of lots A3 and A4 (buffer with carports). Minimize removal of trees and amount of “paved over” area. Minimize distance to central pathway. Create a garbage dumpster location. Create a handicap parking location.
•Lot C: Serves 5 homes: B1 – B5 Build 8 carports (8 reserved) Total parking spaces : 12 Locate 4 carports on west side. Locate 4 carports on east side with a direct northern approach from the main road if possible. Locate 4 open spaces on east side (north end). Eliminate carport from backyard of lot B4. Move Lot B1 lot line east to where it was originally (along west side of carports), but keep the same square footage. Make it narrower N/S.
•Lot D/E: Serves 6 homes: C5 – C6, D5 – D8 Build 4 carports (4 reserved) Total parking spaces: 14 – 21 Matt will look to reconfigure Lot D/E with the following objectives: Minimize views of cars from CH dining room and the rest of the cluster (buffer with carports and workshop). Minimize removal of trees and amount of “paved over” area. Minimize distance to central pathway. Create a handicap parking location. Allow placement of a 30′ X 40′ workshop.
•Lot F: Serves 9 homes: A5, C1 – C4, D1 – D4 Build 6 carports (5 reserved) Total parking spaces: 20 Locate 6 carports on north side. Locate 14 open spaces on south side.
•Other Parking Lot: Total parking spaces will be 62 to 65. All lots will include a convenient cart storage area adjacent to the carports. Carports will be selected by lot selection queue at some future date. Members must select their carports from the parking lots that serve their homes according to the info given above. The western lot line of Lot B1 will be moved to the west 20′. The north lot line will be moved south so that the overall square footage of the lot remains approximately the same. Despite widening the lot to the west, the home on lot B1 will have it’s kitchen and front porch directly oriented to the main pathway and node #4.
•24′ COMMON LAND PATHWAY Goal: To provide ample room for circulation and utilities, but to minimize commonly owned land within cluster and maximize the design for community interaction. Move all lot lines adjacent to fire lane pathways (except A5) forward by at least 3′ so as to leave a 24′ wide common land strip between lots. Create a 3′ access, drainage, and utilities easement along each of these lot lines. Bring front lot line of lot A3 forward to be 24′ from the front lot line of lot A2. Bring front lot line of lot A4 forward to be 24′ from the front lot line of lot A2, except leave the southwest corner as common land (triangle approx. 10′ x 10′ x 14′). Make northwest corner of lot B4 common land (triangle approx. 10′ x 10′ x 14′). Move northeast corner of lot D4 up to come in line with front lot line of D5. Adjust side lot lines of lots D2 & D3 to create a 24′ common land pathway between them centered on the pathway. Northwest and southwest corners of lot D3 become common land (triangle approx. 10′ x 10′ x 14′). Split the lot width made available to lot D2 equally with lot D1. Eliminate slight jog in southeast corner of lot D1. Revise front lot line setback to 3′ minimum and 20′ maximum (was 10′, 25′) (Architectural Standards).
•FENG SHUI Goal: To welcome good energy into our community so long as the revisions don’t significantly hinder community interaction, aesthetics, passive solar, or affordability. Rotate the side lot line between lots C3 and C4 3º clockwise. Rotate the side lot line between lots D3 and D4 3º clockwise. Make the west side lot line of lot D3 and the east side lot line of lot D2 parallel to the side lot line between lots D3 and D4.
•NODES Goal: To provide room for gathering nodes. Keep Node 3 location at the southwest corner of lot B5 (triangle approx. 50′ x 40′ x 35′). Reshape Node 4 location at the northeast corner of lot B2 (triangle approx. 35′ x 35′ x 35′).
•Align back lot lines of lots D1 – D8 with road easement and carports.
•Straighten and level road to parking lot F.
•Eliminate path between lots B5 and A3.
•Move north lot lines on lots B2 and B4 as far north as water tank road will allow.
•Equalize width of lots B2, B3, A1, and A2.
•Equalize width of lots B4, B5, A3, and A4.
•Locate greenhouse across road to east of common house.
•Stub in electric and water using same trench as well #2 (cost estimate ~$400).
•Mac to work out the exact lot line and easement details with our engineer.
Pathway Material
March 29, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•We will use Road Oyl as our primary pathway material if its use allows us to stay within our total pathway budget ($30,000). We may also use other pathway materials, such as pavers or concrete, in specific applications. The detailed design of pathway materials will be decided by a Site Details Task Force.
Common House Wall Infill
March 29, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•In the portions of the Common House that will be timber framed, we will use structural insulated panels (SIPS) as our wall infill.
Kitchen Acoustical Separation
April 26, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•We will design the kitchen with lots of visual connection with the entry and dining room, but we won’t provide any acoustical separation (doors) for the time being. However, we’ll design the kitchen in such a way that it would be relatively easy to add acoustical separation later if we find it necessary. The kitchen design will include noise-dampening techniques. A $4000 reserve fund will be created from SJCDC profits earmarked for possible future kitchen door installation.
$3400 Tithe
May 10, 1999
Business MeetingWe consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Allocate the entire $3400 to be used for the benefit for the land (i.e., put in the Land Stewardship budget).
Sweat Equity
May 10, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Eric, as Construction Liaison, will coordinate our sweat equity projects up through the end of the year 2000. The total sweat equity hours committed to will be approximately 5000 hours, which represents about 6 hours per month per adult (6 hrs x 40 adults x 20 months). Below is a preliminary list of likely sweat equity projects (total hours = 4870). Eric may modify this list based on new information, but the estimated project times will not exceed the 5000 total hours for all projects through 2000. Preliminary List of Sweat Equity Projects:
◦1. Workshop (slab & roof only) ~750 hrs.
◦2. Common House Wood Flooring ~300 hrs.
◦3. Common House Tile Flooring ~350 hrs.
◦4. Interior Stone Work (Hearth Room) ~250 hrs.
◦5. Construction Clean-up and Recycling ~1000 hrs.
◦6. Pavers ~300 hrs.
◦7. Wire CH Music / Theater ~30 hrs.
◦8. Install CH Appliances ~40 hrs.
◦9. Landscaping ~1500 hrs.
◦10. Playground Equipment ~150 hrs.
◦11. Retaining Walls ~200 hrs.
Posted Decision Making
May 24, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to revise the Decision Making agreement with the addition of a Posted Decision section.
Land Stewardship Authorization
June 7, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to revise the Teams agreement with the addition of a Land Stewardship section.
Membership Application Revision
June 7, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to revise the 2nd financial requirement of the Membership Application.
Clark Shuffle
June 7, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Allow the Clarks to step into a new status called Member in Qualifying. This allows the Clarks to maintain their status as Heartwood Members but they will not hold a position (lot and/or model choice) until they are financially able to do so. They will keep their equity credits and may use them towards the purchase of their SJCDC lot. They will keep their place in the lot selection queue. When the Clarks are ready to take a position, they are free to choose from whatever is available at the time, but they must complete the Financial section of the Membership Application for the position they choose.
Lot & Carport Prices
June 7, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Set the Average Lot Price at $74,500. Set the Carport Price (including carport lot) at $5500 (5% discount if purchased by August 31, 1999).
•The Average Lot Price assumes a budget that does not provide for:
◦Purchasing washers and dryers for the common house.
◦Purchasing furniture for the common house.
◦Finishing any rooms in the basement of the common house other than those required by code; however the donated washers and dryers will be installed and operable.
•All three of these budget items will be reconsidered during construction and will be paid for from our contingency budget if we decide that adequate funds are available.
Lot Shuffle
June 21, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Sondra Joyce will be allowed to change to Lot D1 if she wants to.
Unsold Units
July 5, 1999
Business Meeting
We decided by Super Majority vote (8:2) to adopt the following proposal:
•Build 3 unsold units and possibly a 4th:
◦1 Model A (Lot E3)
◦1 Model C (Lot A4)
◦1 Model E (Lot D3)
•Designate Lot D2 as a custom single lot to be reserved for John English if John meets the following conditions by a deadline to be set by Mac & Beth:
◦John to become a Member of Heartwood Cohousing.
◦John to enter a purchase agreement contract for Lot D2 with the purchase price to be equal to the regular price of the lot plus 100% of the soft, fixed costs associated with the home that was to be built on that lot (Model D).
◦If John does not meet these conditions, we will build a Model D unit on Lot D2.
•Mac & Beth are authorized to select options and upgrades for the units if the units remain unsold at the selection deadline. If the purchase of the units is guaranteed, selection of the options and upgrades will be made in collaboration with each unit’s guarantor.
Model Pricing Authorization
July 5, 1999
Business Meeting
We decided by Super Majority vote (9:1) to adopt the following proposal:
•Mac & Beth are authorized to set standard model prices and the prices for options and upgrades (no customizations will be offered). Prices will be set at a level to cover estimated costs plus a 10% contingency. Additionally, the prices for options and upgrades will include a mark up sufficient to cover estimated extra risk and management costs.
Community Living Revision
July 5, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to revise the Rules section of the Community Living agreement.
Home Purchase Guarantee
July 5, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•In order to avoid putting up collateral to obtain our construction financing, SJCDC will seek guarantors for the purchase of each of the 4 unsold homes. We will look first to Members to act as guarantors and then to non-Members until we have found 4 guarantors. Each guarantor will be required to make a 10% refundable down payment (interest bearing) for the purchase of the home and lot. In exchange for providing the home purchase guarantee, a guarantor will receive a 15% discount off of the full retail price of the home and lot if SJCDC exercises its option requiring the guarantor to purchase the home and lot. If SJCDC terminates the option, the guarantor will receive a guarantee fee based on an annual rate of 2% of the full retail purchase price taken over the actual period of the guarantee. SJCDC will be able to exercise a purchase option after the home has received its certificate of occupancy. The terms given above are approximate. Mac and Beth are authorized to modify them within reason.
Sustainably Harvested Lumber (SHL)
July 5, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•For the Common House and the SJC-built homes, we will buy SHL for certain parts of the buildings where appropriate if the average additional cost per SJC-built home over the cost of conventionally harvested lumber is less than or equal to $2000. Households will only be obligated to spend an additional $750 for SHL and can get financial assistance from a group of SHL supporters to pay the balance.
Bus Turn Around Configuration
August 19, 1999
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•The bus turn around will have a planted island in the middle with one way traffic flowing around each side. The roads on each side will be ~25 ft wide. The island will be ~50 ft in diameter, rounded at the north end and more pointed at the south end. It is also the intention to have the area between the front gate and the turn around planted with trees, but this will be determined by the Land Stewardship Team.
Site Lighting
August 30, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Electricity will be stubbed up along the central pathway and the pathways leading to the parking lots to be used for the future installation of site lighting. Once we move in, we’ll experiment with different lighting and decide then what works best. The site lighting electricity will be run off of community circuits unless it turns out that the savings from running some of it off of private home circuits exceeds $750. Money currently in the site lighting budget that remains unspent after construction will be reserved. If we run off private home circuits, the community will pay for the installation of said circuits and the community will reimburse homeowners for electricity used. Stubbing will be done in a manner to achieve a high level of flexibility.
Home Resale
September 13, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to add a Home Resale section to the Community Living agreement.
Number of Roof ColorsSeptember 13, 1999 Business MeetingWe unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•The SRT will select two complementary roof colors for the private houses (colors that look good together) and one for the Common House. Homeowners with a strong opinion may select from the SRT options by a deadline as set by the SRT. Duplex owners must agree on one color per duplex building (NOT one color per unit). The SRT will choose roof colors for homes not selected by the deadline. If the SRT considers the choices disharmonious, it may ask the homeowner to change. The homeowner and SRT must consense on the change.
Home Customization – Health or FinancialOctober 25, 1999 Business MeetingWe unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•If an SJCDC-built home buyer has a severe health or financial hardship, Mac and Beth will have the discretion to allow a home customization to address the hardship. They will also have the discretion to modify the terms of the home purchase transaction, but not the sales price.
Kids in CommunityNovember 8, 1999 Business MeetingWe consensed to add an Activity-Specific and Skill-Specific Guidelines section to the Community Living agreement and to revise the Parenting section of that agreement.
BudgetDecember 6, 1999 Business MeetingWe consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Consistent with the budget dated 11/03/99, Mac is authorized to:
◦Sell lots, homes, options & upgrades, and carports.
◦Borrow on and repay loans.
◦Pay for services and materials listed under Uses.
•It is understood that the timing and amounts of these transactions may vary, but in no case may total sales be less than Total Sources listed in the budget ($4340K) nor may total spending be more than Total Uses listed in the budget ($4289K) without community authorization.
January 18, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Replace language in the Decision Making agreement related to 50% requirement for reopening issues with the following: All decisions will remain in force until they are replaced by another decision. A decision previously made will be reconsidered only if: A) A majority of Member Households wants to reconsider the decision. Requests for reconsideration of a decision must be in writing (petition, email, etc.). — OR — B) The Planning and Oversight Team decides that there is significant cause to reconsider the decision.
Additional Member Investment
January 18, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•All Member Households purchasing SJC-built homes will be required to increase their nonrefundable investment in SJCDC to 10% of the expected cost of their purchase from SJCDC (includes lot, home, garage, carport, etc.). A deadline for the increased investment will be set by the Finance Team based on the anticipated closing date on our construction loan. A return on this additional investment will be given to the Member Households in the form a Discount Rate in the same manner as Member Investor Discount program. The additional investment will go towards the Member Households purchase from SJCDC. The Finance Team will work with our attorneys to draw up the necessary legal agreements.
Hot Tub
January 18, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•1) Designate oak patch within circle of Juniper & Pinon (with blue ribbon) behind Village Green as hot tub location.
•2) Appropriate hot tub infrastructure will be installed to hot tub location during site development work. This cost is not to exceed $2000 and will be added to the site development budget.
•3) Agree to use SJCDC profits to purchase a community hot tub (including installation) and construct a patio and path for it. These costs are not to exceed $13,000. If SJCDC does not realize a profit, there is no provision to purchase a hot tub. Possible expenditures using the SJCDC profits will be prioritized once the amount of the profits are known.
•4) Should the use of the hot tub prove to be an infringement on the privacy of any residents, we will plant trees, build a wall around the hot tub, or take some other action to mitigate the problem.
Ponds & Streams
January 18, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•1) During site development work a pipeline will be laid from the lower end (SW) of the community (the disturbed area during construction) to the upper end (NE). This pipeline will provide the possibility of later construction of ponds at either end of the community which will be connected by this pipeline to create a recycling water flow through the community. Additional pipes and hardware will also be put in to allow for future use of this system as a community and private water catchment and landscape watering system.
•2) The initial cost that would come out of the current landscaping budget will not exceed $4000.
•3) The total final system cost, should the whole system be built, will not exceed $7500. Should it appear that the final cost will exceed this, the initial pipeline will not be constructed without additional community approval.
Private Landscaping
January 18, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt a new Private Landscaping agreement.
Additional Loan Pre-qualification
February 1, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•By February 19, all Member Households will be required to submit to the Finance Team a written loan pre-qualification for their expected purchase from SJCDC. The loan pre-qualification must be obtained from Burns Bank or Burns Mortgage, unless the Member Household has gotten permission from the Finance Team to go elsewhere. In the case of Members buying SJC-built homes, they must pre-qualify for a loan for the purchase of their selected lot and model. In the case of Members going custom-built, they must pre-qualify for a loan for the purchase of their selected lot. A Member Household that proves liquid assets to Burns Bank in excess of their pre-qualification loan amount is exempted from this requirement.
February 1, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following new language in the Goals agreement:
◦1. Construction
▪We will break ground by June 1, 1999. We will complete design, finance, County Approval, and other work in a timely manner in order to do that.
◦2. Move-In
▪The common house and all SJC-built homes will be ready for move-in by February 1, 2000.
◦3. Membership
▪We will maintain full membership with a waiting list of at least 4 households. To do that, we will minimally advertise to the larger community to build awareness in HC and we will support interested people in their exploration of HC.
Natural Gas
February 1, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•All homes will be supplied with a natural gas hook up. Stationary propane tanks will not be allowed on site except in those situations where natural gas is infeasible. We will add up to $50K (net of rebate) to the budget to pay to make the natural gas hook ups available.
Membership Application
February 1, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•We will freeze membership acceptance until we have a decision on revised membership application. We will seek to have this in place by 02/15/99.
Change Model Designations
February 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to change Carlsons from a custom single model choice to Model E and to redesignate Lot A3 accordingly and to redesignate Lot A4 as open to custom single, Model D, or Model E.
Membership Application
February 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Replace the current Participation requirements of the Membership Application for both Locals and Long Distance folks with the following:
◦Each adult in the household must tour the land, meet and converse with at least 8 current members, and attend one Business Meeting and one other function (Potluck, Business Meeting, etc.). The Business Meeting and other function must to be at least two weeks apart.
•Anyone submitting an application after February 1 must meet these new Participation requirements.
Project Manager Reimbursement
February 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to increase Mac’s expense reimbursement to $100 per month effective January 1, 1999 (for all expenditures less than $20 apiece).
Architectural Standards Business Meeting
February 27, 1999
(Note: All decisions were made using Super Majority Vote due to urgency.)
Paragraph 1 – INTRODUCTION
We decided to adopt as written.
Paragraph 4 – STANDARDS
We decided to adopt as written with the following changes:
•4.A.2. Setbacks (4.A.2.a.b.a.): Change to read: “For duplexes, there is no “minimum” setback from their shared side lot line.” Add the word “minimum”.
•4.A.3 Bulk Plane (4.A.3.b.) Change to read: “For lots D1 – D8, in order to protect solar access to the pathway and northern neighbors…”
•4.A.4 Grading & Drainage (4.A.4.a.): Change to read: “Cuts and fills… within the lot boundary” — change to: “Grading will be contoured to fit into the existing terrain and blend in with neighboring properties in an aesthetically pleasing way.”
•4.A.5 Style and Materials (4.A.5.c.): Eliminate the first sentence – “Homes will have low and moderately pitched (4:12 and 8:12), simple roof lines.” Also eliminate this sentence: “The pitch and style of the roofs may be varied slightly to maximize passive solar efficiencies.”
•4.A.7. Community Interaction: Change 4.A.7.b. to “All homes will include a front porch or patio of at least 100 s.f. oriented to the central pathway.”
•4.A.8. Home Type (4.A.8.a.a.): Change to read: “At least 50% of the shorter wall of the two joined houses that is parallel to and facing the property line must be a party wall. Porch area is not included.” (NOTE: This standard is to be used for purposes of determining what type of house can go on a particular lot and the resultant lot pricing. For the bank’s purposes, a house with any level of attachment would be considered a duplex and required to have exterior maintenance and HO insurance provided by the HOA.)
•4.A.8. Home Type (4.A.8.a.b.): Change to read: “Every other home that is not defined as a duplex is a single home.”
•4.A.9. Construction Deadlines (4.A.9.b – Yard Clean Up and 4.A.9.c – Landscaping): Eliminate.
•4.B. Wood Burning Appliances: Change to read: “Should local air pollution prove to be excessive, restrictions may be placed on the use of wood burning appliances in this order: aesthetic wood burning appliances to be restricted first, secondary heat source appliances second, and those used as the primary heat source last.”
•4.C. Fencing: Eliminate section from the Arch. Standards, but modify the Private Landscaping agreement to include this statement: “If agreement cannot be reached between the neighbors, the issue will be brought before the Design Review Team for resolution before the fence may be built.”
•4.D. Exterior Lighting: Eliminate from Architectural Standards, but include in Covenants.
•4.E. Tree Shading: Eliminate.
•4.F. Satellite Dishes: Eliminate.
We decided to adopt as written.
We decided to adopt as written with the following changes:
•2.B.3.: Change to read: “The DRT will seek consultation from architects and other professionals as needed. The DRT will notify the applicant before professional consultation is sought. The fees of such consultations, not to exceed $500, will be paid by the applicant. If the applicant does not agree, the application will be withdrawn.”
•2.F. Appeals: Change to read: “After the above appeals and the applicant would still like to appeal to the whole group, a final decision can be made at the entire group level, by the community as a whole.”
We decided that since all situations listed under self-compliance except wood burning appliances have been removed from the Arch. Standards, this Paragraph is to be eliminated and wood burning appliances can be moved up to Paragraph 2.
Paragraph 6 – INSURANCE
We decided to eliminate.
Paragraph 7 – VARIANCE
We decided to adopt as written.
Paragraph 8 – ENFORCEMENT
We decided to adopt as written with the following changes:
•8.A. Failure to Comply: Add language: “If a member fails to comply with the Arch. Standards, the HOA can rectify the situation at the homeowner’s expense. If the homeowner doesn’t cough up the $$, the HOA can possess the homeowner’s home.”
•8.B.: Eliminate.
We decided to adopt as written with the following changes:
•Delete “and be attractive” from last sentence.
We decided to adopt as written.
Lot Shuffle
March 1, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following lot and model shuffle:
•Pams go to A4 (Custom Single)
•Carlsons (Model D) move to B2
•Sondra goes to D5/D6 (Custom Duplex) (decision by 3/3)
•Ruthanne goes to D5/D6 (Custom Duplex)
•Clarks goes to A3 (Custom Single)
•Scott & Julie go to D3/D4 (Model A) (decision by 3/3)
Parking & Storage
March 1, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Private storage needs will be met primarily by basements, carports w/an attached storage locker, and garages. These will be privately owned and paid for by their owners. A storage barn will not be built at this time, but could be considered in the future should the need arise.
•The carports and garages will be professionally designed with direct input form the Storage Design Team. This team will be headed up by Werner and will be open to anyone who wants to participate.
•The community will build and pay for special storage for bikes and for shared yard tools (e.g., rakes, wheelbarrows, etc.). The storage of community carts will be addressed when the parking lot design is finalized.
•HC will provide free uncovered parking close to the cluster for vehicles used on a frequent basis (approx. weekly). There may come a time, if we run low on parking spaces, that rules regarding maximum number of vehicles per household may need to be created.
•HC will also provide a parking lot in a remote, unobtrusive location for the free storage of oversized and/or infrequently used vehicles and other large outdoor stuff. The Land Stewardship Team will determine the size and location of the parking lot and will establish guidelines for and manage its use.
•The total number of parking spaces will be revisited when we finalize our site plan.
Waiting List Policy
March 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal (to be included in Membership Levels Agreement):
•If current Members in Waiting wish to change positions, but there is no one willing to take responsibility for a vacated position or if a current Member wishes to change positions, the Project Manager may authorize the change if it is satisfactory to all people directly involved and is in the best interest of the community in the Project Manager’s judgment. If the Project Manager proposes a change or denies a requested change that is not completely satisfactory to all people directly involved, the proposed change will go to the community for a decision. The decision will be based primarily on what’s in the best interest of the community and secondarily on the lot selection queue and other factors.
Model A
March 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Completely redesign Model A with ~500 sf on 2nd floor stacked over ~500 sf on main floor over an unfinished basement (estimated cost of $112K). with special instructions to Matt to minimize solar shading problems and to make the design cohesive with any custom plans he receives within one week (with special attention to building height and bulk plane). The redesign costs will be borne 50% by the Goodman/Kusters and 50% by whoever buys the other model A unit.
Departing Member Refund
March 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Because SJCDC is under no legal obligation to refund any of a Member’s investment should they choose to leave and because Members who join and subsequently quit cost the community in terms of time and money, any Member choosing to quit the community as of March 25, 1999, will receive a refund equal to the amount invested minus $2000. This withholding of $2000 will not be imposed on anyone who quits before it becomes effective. However, Mac may, in his discretion, ask those Members to voluntarily allow withholding of $2000.
Site Plan Revisions
March 15, 1999
Business Meeting
We decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposals:
•Lot A/B: Serves 4 homes: A1 – A4 Build 6 carports (5 reserved) Total parking spaces: 12 – 16 Matt will look to reconfigure and probably combine Lot A/B with the following objectives: Minimize views of cars from the backyards of lots A3 and A4 (buffer with carports). Minimize removal of trees and amount of “paved over” area. Minimize distance to central pathway. Create a garbage dumpster location. Create a handicap parking location.
•Lot C: Serves 5 homes: B1 – B5 Build 8 carports (8 reserved) Total parking spaces : 12 Locate 4 carports on west side. Locate 4 carports on east side with a direct northern approach from the main road if possible. Locate 4 open spaces on east side (north end). Eliminate carport from backyard of lot B4. Move Lot B1 lot line east to where it was originally (along west side of carports), but keep the same square footage. Make it narrower N/S.
•Lot D/E: Serves 6 homes: C5 – C6, D5 – D8 Build 4 carports (4 reserved) Total parking spaces: 14 – 21 Matt will look to reconfigure Lot D/E with the following objectives: Minimize views of cars from CH dining room and the rest of the cluster (buffer with carports and workshop). Minimize removal of trees and amount of “paved over” area. Minimize distance to central pathway. Create a handicap parking location. Allow placement of a 30′ X 40′ workshop.
•Lot F: Serves 9 homes: A5, C1 – C4, D1 – D4 Build 6 carports (5 reserved) Total parking spaces: 20 Locate 6 carports on north side. Locate 14 open spaces on south side.
•Other Parking Lot: Total parking spaces will be 62 to 65. All lots will include a convenient cart storage area adjacent to the carports. Carports will be selected by lot selection queue at some future date. Members must select their carports from the parking lots that serve their homes according to the info given above. The western lot line of Lot B1 will be moved to the west 20′. The north lot line will be moved south so that the overall square footage of the lot remains approximately the same. Despite widening the lot to the west, the home on lot B1 will have it’s kitchen and front porch directly oriented to the main pathway and node #4.
•24′ COMMON LAND PATHWAY Goal: To provide ample room for circulation and utilities, but to minimize commonly owned land within cluster and maximize the design for community interaction. Move all lot lines adjacent to fire lane pathways (except A5) forward by at least 3′ so as to leave a 24′ wide common land strip between lots. Create a 3′ access, drainage, and utilities easement along each of these lot lines. Bring front lot line of lot A3 forward to be 24′ from the front lot line of lot A2. Bring front lot line of lot A4 forward to be 24′ from the front lot line of lot A2, except leave the southwest corner as common land (triangle approx. 10′ x 10′ x 14′). Make northwest corner of lot B4 common land (triangle approx. 10′ x 10′ x 14′). Move northeast corner of lot D4 up to come in line with front lot line of D5. Adjust side lot lines of lots D2 & D3 to create a 24′ common land pathway between them centered on the pathway. Northwest and southwest corners of lot D3 become common land (triangle approx. 10′ x 10′ x 14′). Split the lot width made available to lot D2 equally with lot D1. Eliminate slight jog in southeast corner of lot D1. Revise front lot line setback to 3′ minimum and 20′ maximum (was 10′, 25′) (Architectural Standards).
•FENG SHUI Goal: To welcome good energy into our community so long as the revisions don’t significantly hinder community interaction, aesthetics, passive solar, or affordability. Rotate the side lot line between lots C3 and C4 3º clockwise. Rotate the side lot line between lots D3 and D4 3º clockwise. Make the west side lot line of lot D3 and the east side lot line of lot D2 parallel to the side lot line between lots D3 and D4.
•NODES Goal: To provide room for gathering nodes. Keep Node 3 location at the southwest corner of lot B5 (triangle approx. 50′ x 40′ x 35′). Reshape Node 4 location at the northeast corner of lot B2 (triangle approx. 35′ x 35′ x 35′).
•Align back lot lines of lots D1 – D8 with road easement and carports.
•Straighten and level road to parking lot F.
•Eliminate path between lots B5 and A3.
•Move north lot lines on lots B2 and B4 as far north as water tank road will allow.
•Equalize width of lots B2, B3, A1, and A2.
•Equalize width of lots B4, B5, A3, and A4.
•Locate greenhouse across road to east of common house.
•Stub in electric and water using same trench as well #2 (cost estimate ~$400).
•Mac to work out the exact lot line and easement details with our engineer.
Pathway Material
March 29, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•We will use Road Oyl as our primary pathway material if its use allows us to stay within our total pathway budget ($30,000). We may also use other pathway materials, such as pavers or concrete, in specific applications. The detailed design of pathway materials will be decided by a Site Details Task Force.
Common House Wall Infill
March 29, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•In the portions of the Common House that will be timber framed, we will use structural insulated panels (SIPS) as our wall infill.
Kitchen Acoustical Separation
April 26, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•We will design the kitchen with lots of visual connection with the entry and dining room, but we won’t provide any acoustical separation (doors) for the time being. However, we’ll design the kitchen in such a way that it would be relatively easy to add acoustical separation later if we find it necessary. The kitchen design will include noise-dampening techniques. A $4000 reserve fund will be created from SJCDC profits earmarked for possible future kitchen door installation.
$3400 Tithe
May 10, 1999
Business MeetingWe consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Allocate the entire $3400 to be used for the benefit for the land (i.e., put in the Land Stewardship budget).
Sweat Equity
May 10, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Eric, as Construction Liaison, will coordinate our sweat equity projects up through the end of the year 2000. The total sweat equity hours committed to will be approximately 5000 hours, which represents about 6 hours per month per adult (6 hrs x 40 adults x 20 months). Below is a preliminary list of likely sweat equity projects (total hours = 4870). Eric may modify this list based on new information, but the estimated project times will not exceed the 5000 total hours for all projects through 2000. Preliminary List of Sweat Equity Projects:
◦1. Workshop (slab & roof only) ~750 hrs.
◦2. Common House Wood Flooring ~300 hrs.
◦3. Common House Tile Flooring ~350 hrs.
◦4. Interior Stone Work (Hearth Room) ~250 hrs.
◦5. Construction Clean-up and Recycling ~1000 hrs.
◦6. Pavers ~300 hrs.
◦7. Wire CH Music / Theater ~30 hrs.
◦8. Install CH Appliances ~40 hrs.
◦9. Landscaping ~1500 hrs.
◦10. Playground Equipment ~150 hrs.
◦11. Retaining Walls ~200 hrs.
Posted Decision Making
May 24, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to revise the Decision Making agreement with the addition of a Posted Decision section.
Land Stewardship Authorization
June 7, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to revise the Teams agreement with the addition of a Land Stewardship section.
Membership Application Revision
June 7, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to revise the 2nd financial requirement of the Membership Application.
Clark Shuffle
June 7, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Allow the Clarks to step into a new status called Member in Qualifying. This allows the Clarks to maintain their status as Heartwood Members but they will not hold a position (lot and/or model choice) until they are financially able to do so. They will keep their equity credits and may use them towards the purchase of their SJCDC lot. They will keep their place in the lot selection queue. When the Clarks are ready to take a position, they are free to choose from whatever is available at the time, but they must complete the Financial section of the Membership Application for the position they choose.
Lot & Carport Prices
June 7, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Set the Average Lot Price at $74,500. Set the Carport Price (including carport lot) at $5500 (5% discount if purchased by August 31, 1999).
•The Average Lot Price assumes a budget that does not provide for:
◦Purchasing washers and dryers for the common house.
◦Purchasing furniture for the common house.
◦Finishing any rooms in the basement of the common house other than those required by code; however the donated washers and dryers will be installed and operable.
•All three of these budget items will be reconsidered during construction and will be paid for from our contingency budget if we decide that adequate funds are available.
Lot Shuffle
June 21, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Sondra Joyce will be allowed to change to Lot D1 if she wants to.
Unsold Units
July 5, 1999
Business Meeting
We decided by Super Majority vote (8:2) to adopt the following proposal:
•Build 3 unsold units and possibly a 4th:
◦1 Model A (Lot E3)
◦1 Model C (Lot A4)
◦1 Model E (Lot D3)
•Designate Lot D2 as a custom single lot to be reserved for John English if John meets the following conditions by a deadline to be set by Mac & Beth:
◦John to become a Member of Heartwood Cohousing.
◦John to enter a purchase agreement contract for Lot D2 with the purchase price to be equal to the regular price of the lot plus 100% of the soft, fixed costs associated with the home that was to be built on that lot (Model D).
◦If John does not meet these conditions, we will build a Model D unit on Lot D2.
•Mac & Beth are authorized to select options and upgrades for the units if the units remain unsold at the selection deadline. If the purchase of the units is guaranteed, selection of the options and upgrades will be made in collaboration with each unit’s guarantor.
Model Pricing Authorization
July 5, 1999
Business Meeting
We decided by Super Majority vote (9:1) to adopt the following proposal:
•Mac & Beth are authorized to set standard model prices and the prices for options and upgrades (no customizations will be offered). Prices will be set at a level to cover estimated costs plus a 10% contingency. Additionally, the prices for options and upgrades will include a mark up sufficient to cover estimated extra risk and management costs.
Community Living Revision
July 5, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to revise the Rules section of the Community Living agreement.
Home Purchase Guarantee
July 5, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•In order to avoid putting up collateral to obtain our construction financing, SJCDC will seek guarantors for the purchase of each of the 4 unsold homes. We will look first to Members to act as guarantors and then to non-Members until we have found 4 guarantors. Each guarantor will be required to make a 10% refundable down payment (interest bearing) for the purchase of the home and lot. In exchange for providing the home purchase guarantee, a guarantor will receive a 15% discount off of the full retail price of the home and lot if SJCDC exercises its option requiring the guarantor to purchase the home and lot. If SJCDC terminates the option, the guarantor will receive a guarantee fee based on an annual rate of 2% of the full retail purchase price taken over the actual period of the guarantee. SJCDC will be able to exercise a purchase option after the home has received its certificate of occupancy. The terms given above are approximate. Mac and Beth are authorized to modify them within reason.
Sustainably Harvested Lumber (SHL)
July 5, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•For the Common House and the SJC-built homes, we will buy SHL for certain parts of the buildings where appropriate if the average additional cost per SJC-built home over the cost of conventionally harvested lumber is less than or equal to $2000. Households will only be obligated to spend an additional $750 for SHL and can get financial assistance from a group of SHL supporters to pay the balance.
Bus Turn Around Configuration
August 19, 1999
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•The bus turn around will have a planted island in the middle with one way traffic flowing around each side. The roads on each side will be ~25 ft wide. The island will be ~50 ft in diameter, rounded at the north end and more pointed at the south end. It is also the intention to have the area between the front gate and the turn around planted with trees, but this will be determined by the Land Stewardship Team.
Site Lighting
August 30, 1999
Business Meeting
We unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•Electricity will be stubbed up along the central pathway and the pathways leading to the parking lots to be used for the future installation of site lighting. Once we move in, we’ll experiment with different lighting and decide then what works best. The site lighting electricity will be run off of community circuits unless it turns out that the savings from running some of it off of private home circuits exceeds $750. Money currently in the site lighting budget that remains unspent after construction will be reserved. If we run off private home circuits, the community will pay for the installation of said circuits and the community will reimburse homeowners for electricity used. Stubbing will be done in a manner to achieve a high level of flexibility.
Home Resale
September 13, 1999
Business Meeting
We consensed to add a Home Resale section to the Community Living agreement.
Number of Roof ColorsSeptember 13, 1999 Business MeetingWe unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•The SRT will select two complementary roof colors for the private houses (colors that look good together) and one for the Common House. Homeowners with a strong opinion may select from the SRT options by a deadline as set by the SRT. Duplex owners must agree on one color per duplex building (NOT one color per unit). The SRT will choose roof colors for homes not selected by the deadline. If the SRT considers the choices disharmonious, it may ask the homeowner to change. The homeowner and SRT must consense on the change.
Home Customization – Health or FinancialOctober 25, 1999 Business MeetingWe unanimously decided by Super Majority vote to adopt the following proposal:
•If an SJCDC-built home buyer has a severe health or financial hardship, Mac and Beth will have the discretion to allow a home customization to address the hardship. They will also have the discretion to modify the terms of the home purchase transaction, but not the sales price.
Kids in CommunityNovember 8, 1999 Business MeetingWe consensed to add an Activity-Specific and Skill-Specific Guidelines section to the Community Living agreement and to revise the Parenting section of that agreement.
BudgetDecember 6, 1999 Business MeetingWe consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Consistent with the budget dated 11/03/99, Mac is authorized to:
◦Sell lots, homes, options & upgrades, and carports.
◦Borrow on and repay loans.
◦Pay for services and materials listed under Uses.
•It is understood that the timing and amounts of these transactions may vary, but in no case may total sales be less than Total Sources listed in the budget ($4340K) nor may total spending be more than Total Uses listed in the budget ($4289K) without community authorization.