Three Phase 2 Site Plans
Because Heartwood owns 360 acres and Phase 2 will sit on just a few acres, there are three site plans below to provide perspective on all of the Heartwood land, where the Phase 2 homes will be located in relation to Phase 1, and finally a close up view of only Phase 2. Progressing through the three site plans zooms in on Phase 2.
Because Heartwood owns 360 acres and Phase 2 will sit on just a few acres, there are three site plans below to provide perspective on all of the Heartwood land, where the Phase 2 homes will be located in relation to Phase 1, and finally a close up view of only Phase 2. Progressing through the three site plans zooms in on Phase 2.
Heartwood - 360 Acres

We are blessed to own 360 acres of spectacular forests, meadows, and irrigated pastureland. The yellow border represents the Heartwood property line. The thick black lines represent gravel roads, some used for daily traffic, but most used as recreational double track trails. The thin black lines are single track trails. Overall, we have 7 miles of single track and double track trails and roads. Starting in the lower right corner, you enter Heartwood via County Road 506 and Heartwood Lane, passing through our 65 acres of irrigated pastureland (light green in this satellite photo) before arriving at our housing cluster (marked in orange as Phase 1 and Phase 2). The housing cluster is nestled amongst a number of surrounding hills and ridges giving it a protected, secluded feel.
Phase 1 & Phase 2

In this composite image, Phase 1 is on the left and Phase 2 is to the upper right. Our Common House is represented by the square labeled "CH". The 24 Phase 1 lots are outlined in yellow, with a north wing and a west wing extending out from the common house. The 14 Phase 2 homes will be our new east wing, located immediately adjacent to Phase 1 making it a short, easy stroll to the common house.
Phase 2 Only

The Phase 2 site plan incorporates the best of what we’ve learned from living in Phase 1 for the past 24 years. The central pathway (the bold yellow line on the right running between the Phase 2 lots) is oriented north/south, which means that the lots are oriented east/west. The east/west orientation of the homes plus the slight southerly slope means that all of the Phase 2 homes will have great solar access, optimizing the passive solar home designs. Consistent with cohousing design principles and Phase 1, the central pathway is a pedestrian-first pathway. Cars and trucks may enter for emergencies or large deliveries, but for the most part it will be used almost exclusively for pedestrians, making it safe and encouraging social interaction. Cars are parked in one of two parking lots. The pink rectangles represent carports and the blue rectangles represent open parking. Garden carts make it easy to bring groceries, etc. from your car to your home. Heartwood’s gorgeous geodesic dome greenhouse along with a terrace and bocce court are the central hub of Phase 2. Imagine harvesting lettuce in the greenhouse for your dinner salad or gathering on the terrace with friends on a Friday evening over a glass of wine. Those are typical cohousing moments fostered by thoughtful design. Homes are spaced to foster community interaction (not too far apart) while also providing optimal solar access and privacy (not too close together). The back of lots 1 and 2 are adjacent to the north carport building. Phase 1 members with backyards adjacent to carports have enjoyed the privacy created by that arrangement. One of the central principles of cohousing design is to provide opportunities for community interaction in the front of the home and privacy in the rear of the home. All of the Phase 2 lots are laid out with that in mind. Lots 3-11 all have backyards looking out to the forest and ridge behind, offering premier views and privacy. The forest extends for about 360’ to Heartwood’s eastern property line on relatively flat ground. Just beyond our property line, the hill rises more steeply, creating that nestled-in feeling that we enjoy. Lots 12-14 are the biggest lots and located closest to the common house and other Phase 1 amenities (village green, play structure, workshop, etc.). The common house is about 260’ from the pathway terminus in the SW corner of Phase 2. The multiple green circles throughout the site plan represent native trees. Great care is being taken to preserve as many trees as possible while also being prudent about creating defensible space in case of fire. Phase 2 is perfectly located for recreational opportunities right out your front door. About 225’ to the north is the tennis, pickleball, and basketball court. The south parking lot provides direct access to our 7 miles of trails for walking, biking, horseback riding, cross country skiing, and snowshoeing. Water and electric hook-ups for a possible future hot tub will be located about halfway between the north end of the central pathway and the tennis court.