Temporary Laundry Facilities
January 3, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•We will purchase two extremely water and energy efficient washers and dryers for eventual use in the common house. Until the common house is ready for occupancy, we will seek two volunteer households to house the machines for community use. Mac will create a team or task force to manage the use of the machines.
January 31, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Consistent with the budget dated 01/03/00, Mac is authorized to:
◦Sell lots, homes, options & upgrades, and carports.
◦Borrow on and repay loans.
◦Pay for services and materials listed under Uses.
•It is understood that the timing and amounts of these transactions may vary, but in no case may total sales be less than Total Sources listed in the budget ($4367K) nor may total spending be more than Total Uses listed in the budget ($4310K) without community authorization.
Mac’s Compensation
January 31, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•In lieu of additional compensation for work done on the SJCDC-built homes, Mac will be entitled to choose how a portion of the SJCDC profits will be spent. Mac is to spend the profits for the benefit of the community as he sees fit. Mac’s portion to spend will be 25% of the profits, but not more than $50,000 and not less than $5,000. The community will decide how to spend their 75% of the profits before Mac decides.
Redesignate Lots A1 & A2
March 27, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Redesignate lots A1 and A2 from duplex lots to single lots. Revise the covenants to reflect the redesignation. The community will make a decision later regarding the single lot premium of $4500 per lot.
Community Work
March 27, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the new Community Work agreement.
List D3 with Realtor
March 27, 2000
Business Meeting
We decided by Super Majority vote (9:1) to adopt the following proposal:
•Mynders, as Membership Recruitment Chair, is authorized to contract with Gary Lewin, Realtor, to list the model E (D3) for sale. The commission will be 4% (1% to Listing Agent (Gary); 3% to Selling Agent) and is payable only if Realtor supplies the prospect who purchases this house. Nothing in the Agreement will preclude Heartwood from marketing and selling the house ourselves. Mynders will work out with Gary the compensation that Gary may or may not earn if we do sell the house ourselves.
Early Hot Tub Purchase
April 23, 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Any members who volunteer to do so will privately purchase a hot tub for community use. These members will be reimbursed from SJCDC profits once the community feels assured that profits will exceed $100K. If reimbursement doesn’t happen, the members who purchased the hot tub are free to do with the hot tub what they will.
SJCDC Budget Approval
April 24, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Consistent with the budget dated 04/06/00, Mac is authorized to:
◦Sell lots, homes, options & upgrades, and carports
◦Borrow on and repay loans
◦Pay for services and materials listed under Uses.
•It is understood that the timing and amounts of these transactions may vary, but in no case may total sales be less than Total Sources listed in the budget ($4392K) nor may total spending be more than Total Uses listed in the budget ($4261K) without community authorization.
Contract Extension on D3
April 24, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Mac is authorized to extend the period from 60 days up to 180 days for giving written notice to the guarantors (Mac, Sandy, & Bruce) on the home purchase contract on the Model E on lot D3. The other provisions of the contract will remain the same, including the continuation of the 2% guarantors’ termination fee.
Carports for Community Use
May 8, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•SJCDC will sell only 22 carports, leaving 2 for community use. If after 2001, we determine that we don’t need them for community use, we may choose to sell one or both to members.
Common House Basement
May 8, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Mac is authorized to spend up to $45,000 to have the common house basement finished as shown in the 08/20/99 plans excluding the Art Studio space, which will become part of the Rec Room. All of the spaces will be finished to allow for future flexibility of the spaces, especially Guest Room #2. The Kid’s Craft Room will be finished to allow flexibility in its use as adult art space.
Dome Greenhouse
May 10, 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•To spend up to $3000 to move the greenhouse to Heartwood the last week in June and the first week in July. This $3000 or less will come out of the contingency we have set up in the development budget. Kerry will supervise the move with plenty of help from members. After it is here, a team headed by Lynne McGee will make sure it is up and running. The Land Stewardship team will be responsible for choosing the exact location. (With any input from Kerry that is necessary.)
Salvaged Lumber
May 15, 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Salvaged lumber can be used freely by all community members, whether for personal or community use.
Eric Husted – Agricultural Land Management
May 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Eric Husted is authorized to use the +/-70 acres to pasture draft horses, make hay and prepare the land and plant vegetable or small grain crops. In the process, he will improve soil fertility, control weeds through non-chemical methods, rehabilitate and improve irrigation system and fencing, establish rotation system that includes all the ag land. Tillage and other work will be done primarily by animal and human power. Eric may use food grown for household use, sharing produce with others who work with him. The land remains available for members’ use for crops or pasturing animals. Any such use will be coordinated with Eric and (when necessary) the LST.
•In return for use of the land Eric will:
◦Be a member of LST and participate in meetings and decision making.
◦Provide fencing material and labor on all temporary fencing.
◦Provide labor to maintain all boundary and permanent interior fencing.
◦Provide labor to improve/maintain irrigation system.
◦Do as much weed control as possible throughout agricultural lands, ie. mowing, hoeing, etc.
◦Be available to help with tillage of gardens if horse drawn tillage seems appropriate.
•Heartwood Cohousing will provide:
◦Input on long range planning via LST.
◦Fencing material for boundary and permanent interior fencing.
◦Parts for irrigation upgrades/maintenance: flumes, culverts, etc..
◦Labor to help maintain boundary fencing and erect permanent interior fencing.
◦Payment of water dues and use fees.
◦Payment of all land taxes.
•Initially, there will be no financial or other compensation commitment to HC for or from the crops raised. This agreement will be renegotiated annually before each year’s growing season, and amended when appropriate to include reasonable compensation for Eric’s use of the land. In succeeding years, Eric will present an updated plan to the LST before and after each growing season.
Cluster Irrigation and Ponds System
May 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•LST will construct a cluster irrigation system consisting of two ponds, pipe between them, two pumps (one solar powered, one grid-powered), and whatever additional parts are required to make the system work. A lower pond will be dug just north of the garden, to be filled from our ditch headgate. Pipe will be laid on the ground to the east of the road to transport the water to the upper pond. A small pump house near the lower pond will house a solar-powered pump to move the water to the upper pond at a slow rate. The upper pond will be constructed in a deep arroyo above the northern-most ET bed, to the west of the road. A grid-powered pump will pressurize the water sufficiently to allow irrigation in the cluster during morning and evening hours. (A transformer is already in place in the vicinity to power the pump.) A small pump house will be built there as well.
•The goal of the project is to discourage using treated well water for landscaping and take advantage of our irrigation water rights. LST will establish a rotation for household irrigation to utilize the water equitably, without drawing down the upper pond too much. LST is authorized to spend up to $15K for this system.
HOA Budget & Assessments
July 3, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the new Budget & Assessments agreement and to have the covenants revised to reflect it.
Hiring Members for Village Green
July 24, 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•The LST may hire Gardenhart (members Dave and Fran Hart) to complete the design of the Village Green–based on previous community visioning and plans and in consultation with the LST –and implement it this summer and fall, possibly carrying over some areas until spring due to constraints from Common House construction. The amount paid to Gardenhart will not exceed $400 for overhead and $1800 for labor (60 hours @$30/hr). Gardenhart will provide the plants and other materials without mark-up (an estimated $5800). The community will provide labor for major tasks, under Gardenhart’s direction. All money will come out of the existing LST construction budget.
Hiring Member for Common House Construction Liaison
August 17, 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Mac is authorized to hire Barry to head up the SRT and to assist with CH Construction Liaison responsibilities. Beginning August 6, 2000 Barry will be compensated $20 per hour, less 3 free hours per week, which Barry will donate. His time working on the water and irrigation systems will be included. Barry’s job will end when there are no more Construction Liaison responsibilities to perform.
SJCDC Budget Approval
August 28, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Consistent with the budget dated 07/25/00, Mac is authorized to:
◦Conservatively invest idle cash.
◦Pay for services and materials listed under Uses. It is understood that the timing and amounts of these transactions may vary, but in no case may total spending be more than Total Uses listed in the budget ($4283K) without community authorization.
Teams Agreement Revision
August 28, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the new Steering Team section of the Teams agreement revision.
Steering Team Selection
October 9, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Select Deb, Judith, Ronda, and Mac as members of the Steering team.
Greenhouse Request for Funds
November 13, 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•The Garden and Greenhouse Team requests $3000 to provide the greenhouse with electricity, heat, water, planting beds, and soil.
Teams Agreement Revision
November 20, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Revise the Teams agreement. Revise the Community Work agreement to reflect the transfer of certain sections to the Teams agreement.
SJCDC Budget Approval
November 20, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Consistent with the budget dated 11/02/00, Mac is authorized to:
◦Conservatively invest idle cash.
◦Pay for services and materials listed under Uses. It is understood that the timing and amounts of these transactions may vary, but in no case may total spending be more than Total Uses listed in the budget ($4343K) without community authorization.
January 3, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•We will purchase two extremely water and energy efficient washers and dryers for eventual use in the common house. Until the common house is ready for occupancy, we will seek two volunteer households to house the machines for community use. Mac will create a team or task force to manage the use of the machines.
January 31, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Consistent with the budget dated 01/03/00, Mac is authorized to:
◦Sell lots, homes, options & upgrades, and carports.
◦Borrow on and repay loans.
◦Pay for services and materials listed under Uses.
•It is understood that the timing and amounts of these transactions may vary, but in no case may total sales be less than Total Sources listed in the budget ($4367K) nor may total spending be more than Total Uses listed in the budget ($4310K) without community authorization.
Mac’s Compensation
January 31, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•In lieu of additional compensation for work done on the SJCDC-built homes, Mac will be entitled to choose how a portion of the SJCDC profits will be spent. Mac is to spend the profits for the benefit of the community as he sees fit. Mac’s portion to spend will be 25% of the profits, but not more than $50,000 and not less than $5,000. The community will decide how to spend their 75% of the profits before Mac decides.
Redesignate Lots A1 & A2
March 27, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Redesignate lots A1 and A2 from duplex lots to single lots. Revise the covenants to reflect the redesignation. The community will make a decision later regarding the single lot premium of $4500 per lot.
Community Work
March 27, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the new Community Work agreement.
List D3 with Realtor
March 27, 2000
Business Meeting
We decided by Super Majority vote (9:1) to adopt the following proposal:
•Mynders, as Membership Recruitment Chair, is authorized to contract with Gary Lewin, Realtor, to list the model E (D3) for sale. The commission will be 4% (1% to Listing Agent (Gary); 3% to Selling Agent) and is payable only if Realtor supplies the prospect who purchases this house. Nothing in the Agreement will preclude Heartwood from marketing and selling the house ourselves. Mynders will work out with Gary the compensation that Gary may or may not earn if we do sell the house ourselves.
Early Hot Tub Purchase
April 23, 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Any members who volunteer to do so will privately purchase a hot tub for community use. These members will be reimbursed from SJCDC profits once the community feels assured that profits will exceed $100K. If reimbursement doesn’t happen, the members who purchased the hot tub are free to do with the hot tub what they will.
SJCDC Budget Approval
April 24, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Consistent with the budget dated 04/06/00, Mac is authorized to:
◦Sell lots, homes, options & upgrades, and carports
◦Borrow on and repay loans
◦Pay for services and materials listed under Uses.
•It is understood that the timing and amounts of these transactions may vary, but in no case may total sales be less than Total Sources listed in the budget ($4392K) nor may total spending be more than Total Uses listed in the budget ($4261K) without community authorization.
Contract Extension on D3
April 24, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Mac is authorized to extend the period from 60 days up to 180 days for giving written notice to the guarantors (Mac, Sandy, & Bruce) on the home purchase contract on the Model E on lot D3. The other provisions of the contract will remain the same, including the continuation of the 2% guarantors’ termination fee.
Carports for Community Use
May 8, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•SJCDC will sell only 22 carports, leaving 2 for community use. If after 2001, we determine that we don’t need them for community use, we may choose to sell one or both to members.
Common House Basement
May 8, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Mac is authorized to spend up to $45,000 to have the common house basement finished as shown in the 08/20/99 plans excluding the Art Studio space, which will become part of the Rec Room. All of the spaces will be finished to allow for future flexibility of the spaces, especially Guest Room #2. The Kid’s Craft Room will be finished to allow flexibility in its use as adult art space.
Dome Greenhouse
May 10, 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•To spend up to $3000 to move the greenhouse to Heartwood the last week in June and the first week in July. This $3000 or less will come out of the contingency we have set up in the development budget. Kerry will supervise the move with plenty of help from members. After it is here, a team headed by Lynne McGee will make sure it is up and running. The Land Stewardship team will be responsible for choosing the exact location. (With any input from Kerry that is necessary.)
Salvaged Lumber
May 15, 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Salvaged lumber can be used freely by all community members, whether for personal or community use.
Eric Husted – Agricultural Land Management
May 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Eric Husted is authorized to use the +/-70 acres to pasture draft horses, make hay and prepare the land and plant vegetable or small grain crops. In the process, he will improve soil fertility, control weeds through non-chemical methods, rehabilitate and improve irrigation system and fencing, establish rotation system that includes all the ag land. Tillage and other work will be done primarily by animal and human power. Eric may use food grown for household use, sharing produce with others who work with him. The land remains available for members’ use for crops or pasturing animals. Any such use will be coordinated with Eric and (when necessary) the LST.
•In return for use of the land Eric will:
◦Be a member of LST and participate in meetings and decision making.
◦Provide fencing material and labor on all temporary fencing.
◦Provide labor to maintain all boundary and permanent interior fencing.
◦Provide labor to improve/maintain irrigation system.
◦Do as much weed control as possible throughout agricultural lands, ie. mowing, hoeing, etc.
◦Be available to help with tillage of gardens if horse drawn tillage seems appropriate.
•Heartwood Cohousing will provide:
◦Input on long range planning via LST.
◦Fencing material for boundary and permanent interior fencing.
◦Parts for irrigation upgrades/maintenance: flumes, culverts, etc..
◦Labor to help maintain boundary fencing and erect permanent interior fencing.
◦Payment of water dues and use fees.
◦Payment of all land taxes.
•Initially, there will be no financial or other compensation commitment to HC for or from the crops raised. This agreement will be renegotiated annually before each year’s growing season, and amended when appropriate to include reasonable compensation for Eric’s use of the land. In succeeding years, Eric will present an updated plan to the LST before and after each growing season.
Cluster Irrigation and Ponds System
May 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•LST will construct a cluster irrigation system consisting of two ponds, pipe between them, two pumps (one solar powered, one grid-powered), and whatever additional parts are required to make the system work. A lower pond will be dug just north of the garden, to be filled from our ditch headgate. Pipe will be laid on the ground to the east of the road to transport the water to the upper pond. A small pump house near the lower pond will house a solar-powered pump to move the water to the upper pond at a slow rate. The upper pond will be constructed in a deep arroyo above the northern-most ET bed, to the west of the road. A grid-powered pump will pressurize the water sufficiently to allow irrigation in the cluster during morning and evening hours. (A transformer is already in place in the vicinity to power the pump.) A small pump house will be built there as well.
•The goal of the project is to discourage using treated well water for landscaping and take advantage of our irrigation water rights. LST will establish a rotation for household irrigation to utilize the water equitably, without drawing down the upper pond too much. LST is authorized to spend up to $15K for this system.
HOA Budget & Assessments
July 3, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the new Budget & Assessments agreement and to have the covenants revised to reflect it.
Hiring Members for Village Green
July 24, 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•The LST may hire Gardenhart (members Dave and Fran Hart) to complete the design of the Village Green–based on previous community visioning and plans and in consultation with the LST –and implement it this summer and fall, possibly carrying over some areas until spring due to constraints from Common House construction. The amount paid to Gardenhart will not exceed $400 for overhead and $1800 for labor (60 hours @$30/hr). Gardenhart will provide the plants and other materials without mark-up (an estimated $5800). The community will provide labor for major tasks, under Gardenhart’s direction. All money will come out of the existing LST construction budget.
Hiring Member for Common House Construction Liaison
August 17, 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Mac is authorized to hire Barry to head up the SRT and to assist with CH Construction Liaison responsibilities. Beginning August 6, 2000 Barry will be compensated $20 per hour, less 3 free hours per week, which Barry will donate. His time working on the water and irrigation systems will be included. Barry’s job will end when there are no more Construction Liaison responsibilities to perform.
SJCDC Budget Approval
August 28, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Consistent with the budget dated 07/25/00, Mac is authorized to:
◦Conservatively invest idle cash.
◦Pay for services and materials listed under Uses. It is understood that the timing and amounts of these transactions may vary, but in no case may total spending be more than Total Uses listed in the budget ($4283K) without community authorization.
Teams Agreement Revision
August 28, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the new Steering Team section of the Teams agreement revision.
Steering Team Selection
October 9, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Select Deb, Judith, Ronda, and Mac as members of the Steering team.
Greenhouse Request for Funds
November 13, 2000
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•The Garden and Greenhouse Team requests $3000 to provide the greenhouse with electricity, heat, water, planting beds, and soil.
Teams Agreement Revision
November 20, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Revise the Teams agreement. Revise the Community Work agreement to reflect the transfer of certain sections to the Teams agreement.
SJCDC Budget Approval
November 20, 2000
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Consistent with the budget dated 11/02/00, Mac is authorized to:
◦Conservatively invest idle cash.
◦Pay for services and materials listed under Uses. It is understood that the timing and amounts of these transactions may vary, but in no case may total spending be more than Total Uses listed in the budget ($4343K) without community authorization.