Common House Furnishings Budget
February 22, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Approve the $12,000 budget that was allocated for the CH furnishings and authorize the Common House Team to spend the money to furnish the CH.
SJCDC Budget
March 12, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the SJCDC budget:
•Consistent with the budget dated 01/11/01, Mac is authorized to:
◦Conservatively invest idle cash.
◦Pay for services and materials listed under Uses.
◦It is understood that the timing and amounts of these transactions may vary, but in no case may total spending be more than Total Uses listed in the budget ($4,267 K) without community authorization.
2001 HOA Operating and Reserve Budgets
March 12, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the 2001 HOA operating budget and reserve budget spreadsheets dated 3/7/01:
•Each team will have an Operating Budget and a Reserve budget; they will be able to spend the operating budget as they decide, but the reserve budget can only be spent for specific reserve line items. Reserve will accumulate until a need arises related to a specific reserve line item. As long as the teams meet their budgetary responsibilities, then they have the freedom to spend their operating budget as they see fit.
•The Finance Team additionally proposes the following:
◦That the 9 month Operating Budget (4/1 – 12/31/01) for Heartwood Cohousing will be $20,888 with the specific allocations per Team as provided for in the 3/7/01 Budget spreadsheet.
◦That the 9 month Reserve Budget (4/1 – 12/31/01) for Heartwood Cohousing be $3,598 with the specific line item allocations per Team as provided for in the 3/7/01 Reserve spreadsheet.
Yurt Proposal
March 15, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•The Clark’s yurt remains in its present location until June, 2002, under the conditions outlined below. In June 2002, we will revisit the decision to see how well it has worked, and whether we want to keep the yurt in its present location, move it elsewhere, or remove it. The spirit of this proposal is to maximize the opportunities for members of the Heartwood Community to make use of the yurt.
•Michael and Betsy will continue to own the yurt, leaving it in its present location–next to the west end of the loop road–for Heartwood Community use.
•It is understood that a membership category is being created for off- land people to become members of the Heartwood community. As soon as this becomes possible, Michael and Betsy Clark will apply for this kind of membership. (Michael and Betsy plan to live in Heartwood Community at some time in the future as regular members of the community.)
•As soon as possible Michael will construct an attached room to house the composting toilet, and a water tank. Insulation will be added to the underside of the platform, and other additions that will make the structure more user friendly. These additions will not anchor the structure to the land in such a way as to make it more difficult to relocate the yurt at some time in the future. The Clarks do not request community funds, as the yurt is private property, but will welcome help from time to time.
•Fran will remove her furniture from the yurt as soon as it becomes possible.
•Fran will establish a calendar where people can sign up for using the yurt, whether for a part of a day or up to a week, on a first-come, first-serve basis. (Michael and Betsy will sign up for yurt use with no priority over other community members.)
•Community members are not expected to pay for use of the yurt. They should take responsibility for leaving the structure as they found it by following a posted cleaning list. No one should use the woodstove without first receiving an orientation from Fran or another expert.
•If the structure is used by a community member in a manner that makes money, or if non-member friends are housed there, a donation would be appropriate for on-going maintenance costs.
Heartwood Woodworkers Guild Workshop Use
March 21, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
The Heartwood Woodworkers Guild will have use of the workshop for woodworking. In order to ensure safety, preservation of equipment, and fair cost sharing, access to some tools and materials within the workshop will be allowed only to guild members (and members of other groups — stained glass, etc.). Membership in the guild will be open to all people who meet an educational requirement (focusing on equipment care and safety) and share in the guild’s costs. The guild will create these guidelines.
In exchange for the use of the workshop, the guild will compensate the community in 3 ways:
1) Pay 50% of utility costs (gas and electric).
2) Provide the community with woodworking (master) pieces.
3) Provide tools and materials for and maintain a general fix-it area for use by all community members.
Costs incurred to set up the workshop (benches, cabinets, shelves, etc) will be borne by the guild. The guild will collaborate with the community to create guidelines to ensure workshop safety and maximize workshop usefulness.
Timeframe for Finalizing a Posted Decision
March 22, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Reduce time frame for finalizing a Posted Decision from 14 days to 10 days.
Jobs Rotation Scheduling Plan
April 9, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•The Jobs Rotation scheduling plan will be in place, which involves a sign-up sheet that specifies jobs and their recommended frequency, and allows members to sign up for jobs for a specified period of time.
Hiring Dave Hart for Various Projects Around Heartwood
April 20, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•To hire Dave Hart to do various projects around Heartwood that require specialized equipment and expertise (such as a backhoe or skidsteer). A bid for these projects was obtained at $60 per hour. Dave’s bid was $50 per hour.
Modify Paragraph C of SJCDC Profit Allocation
April 23, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•2001 Spending
◦Teams are authorized to spend only on projects specifically identified. If projected expenditures to complete all identified projects exceed total allocated amount, the team must make a request for additional funds to the Steering team. Any surplus remaining at 12/31/01 will be reserved for future community use.
2001 Team Spending Requests (one-time expenses)
April 23, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•Approve the 2001 Team Spending Requests (one-time expenses). [Details incorporated into the June 19, 2001 SJCDC Profit Allocation Spreadsheet which was approved at the July 16, 2001 Business Meeting.]
Common Meal Cooking Rotation
April 28, 2001
Posted Decision
On April 21, we consensed to approve the following proposal:
•That we have a team of 3 that cooks and cleans up on their night and for the brunch. The potluck night will have one person for set up and clean up (one person total). Each team can decide how they want to organize the work.
•A sign-up to cook will be posted 2 weeks prior to the end of the last rotation. The rotation will be 3 months. One week before the end of the last rotation the Common meal rotation coordinator will make sure all slots are filled. It has been strongly suggested that EVERYONE participate in the meal rotation.
Node Resizing
May 20, 2001
Posted Decision•
The node in front of the Marvin/Vanderryn house would be decreased in size to accommodate the placement of a pathway to the Marvin/Vanderryn house and increase privacy interests for both adjacent homes, allowing the two families to landscape with free reign up to the new boundary without concern that the boundaries will be enlarged again.
Judith Vanderryn and David Marvin Voting
May 1, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•That Judith and David be grandparented in and receive full voting rights without having to attend a consensus training.
Hiring Barry for Common House Maintenance
May 27, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•To hire Barry at an hourly wage of $40 when there is a maintenance problem at the Common House.
SJCDC Profit Allocation
July 16, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed on the following proposal:
•Consistent with the SJCDC Profit Allocation spreadsheet dated 06/19/01, the following is proposed:
A. Mac’s Compensation
• In accord with the community decision regarding Mac’s compensation(01/31/00), the amount that Mac will be authorized to spend for the benefit of the community will be set at $25,000.
B. Specific Reserves
• Specific reserves have been identified to better plan for future spending. The reserves can only be spent after a community decision authorizing the spending.
C. 2001 Team Spending
• Teams are authorized to spend only on projects specifically identified. If project expenditures to complete all identified projects exceed total allocated amount, the team must make a request for additional funds to the Steering team. Any surplus remaining at 12/31/01 will be reserved for future community use.
D. General Contingency Reserve
• Any money still available after the uses identified above will be reserved for general community contingency, which could include such possibilities as warranty issues with SJCDC-built homes, failed water system, septic problems in excess of SJBH Septic Reserve, etc. The reserve can only be spent after a community decision authorizing the spending.
E. Periodic Review
• We will periodically review requests for additional SJCDC profit spending. As much as possible, many requests will be considered together so requests can be prioritized and we can avoid having the reserves whittled away piecemeal.
F. 2001 HOA Budget Shortfall
• No money will be allocated from SJCDC profits to go towards the 2001 HOA budget. The HOA dues will be set at a level sufficient to cover anticipated HOA expenses, however, at the end of 2001 any unspent HOA operating funds (not reserves) will be refunded to households in proportion to the regular dues they paid in during the year.
G. Kitchen Acoustics
• Based on the good acoustic performance of the common house so far, we will not create a $4000 specific reserve for kitchen acoustic separation as had been called for in our 04/26/99 decision.
H. Utility Box Landscaping
• No money will be allocated from SJCDC profits to go towards landscaping for the 4 clusters of utility boxes located on private lots. Members are encouraged to cooperate with neighbors to privately provide landscaping for the utility boxes.
Tot Lot Landscaping
July 24, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed on the following proposal:
•Do not build rock retaining wall in Tot Lot. Place planters instead along edge of porch above Tot Lot.
Julie Goodman Grandparented to Full Voting Member
August 7, 2001
Posted Decision
It was consensed to approve the following proposal:
•Julie Goodman is grandparented into full voting status.
A1/A2 Lot Pricing
August 13, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•Lots A1 and A2 will pay 50% of the assigned fee for splitting their duplex lot into 2 single family homes. The total cost is $2250/lot. If financing is necessary, the balance will be paid by August 31, 2003. Payments will be worked out with the Finance team.
Gas Well Task Force Authority
August 13, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•The Gas Well Task Force will have the authority to represent Heartwood and approve the Surface Use Agreement and related side agreements between the Thomsons and BP for the new Outback gas well. This proposal applies to the well in the north window, and is based on the assumption that the well will be placed on the Thomson’s land.
Community Clothesline
August 31, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed on the following proposal:
•To locate a community clothesline in the space behind the common house (as indicated). There will be a path from the basement of the common house to the clothesline suitable for walking and for carts. The cost of the path will come from the Land Stewardship budget. The view from Pam’s guest bedroom will be screened with vegetation using money from the Land Stewardship construction budget. Any costs incurred from building the clothesline will come from the CH budget.
Format of Business Meeting Minutes Revision
September 1, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed on the following proposal:
•The meeting minutes format used at meetings will record only decisions, action items and red card concerns. (This proposal changes the recorder responsibility section of the meetings agreement.)
Private Landscaping Agreement Revision
September 10, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed on the following proposal:
•To amend the Private Landscaping Agreement to reflect:
•Controlling noxious weeds
•A more flexible landscaping timeline
Design Style Agreement Revision
September 10, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed on the following proposal:
•To change Design Agreement to read, “The roofs are of the same material. There are two roof colors: blue and brown.”
Legal and Financial Agreement Elimination
September 10, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed on the following proposal:
•To eliminate the Legal and Financial Agreements from our Book of Agreements.
Private Use of Community Resources Revision
September 24, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed on the following proposal:
•To revise the Private Use of Community Resources agreement to:
◦change the term ‘Exclusive’ to ‘Dedicated’ throughout the Long-Term Dedicated Use section.
◦to add ‘or the appropriate team’ to ‘the community and users’ in the 2nd paragraph in the two approval sections.
Community Living Agreement Revision
October 8, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed on the following proposal:
•To revise the agreement to:
•Update the term ‘Planning & Oversight team’ to ‘Steering Team’
•Delete the ‘Definition of a Household’ section.
HOA Tax Strategy
October 8, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•SJCDC will pay the HOA all available cash after stock redemption, in order that the HOA will assume responsibility for SJCDC common improvements obligations. The HOA and SJCDC will enter a legal agreement to reflect the transfer of obligations. SJCDC will redeem stock from shareholders at original cost. The goal will be to dissolve SJCDC prior to Dec 31, 2001 without tax impacts on SJCDC shareholders or the HOA.
Decision Making Agreement Revision
October 21, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•Replace the current lines from our Decision Making agreement with the proposed lines:
◦Current: Once no red card concerns are raised before the Input Deadline Date, the proposal becomes a decision. Once the decision is made (or possibly not), the Presenter posts a proposal follow up at the designated posting place.
◦Proposed: Once no red card concerns are raised before the Input Deadline Date AND the Presenter has posted a proposal follow up at the designated posting place, the proposal becomes a decision. The Presenter is also expected to post a proposal follow up if the proposal has not passed.
Spiritual Expression Agreement
December 3, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal to amend the Spiritual Expression Agreement to read as follows:
Spiritual expression is looked at in much the same way as other forms of expression and is accorded the same rights and responsibilities. The community will allow common facilitates to be used for spiritual expressions, but participation will be completely voluntary and should be easy for people to opt out of if they don’t want to participate. The ease of opting out of a particular spiritual expression depends upon a combination of factors, including its location, duration, size and intensity.
With the great diversity in spiritual beliefs within the community, we want to ensure that everyone has ample opportunity to freely express their spirituality, but we also want to ensure that everyone is free from participating in undesired spiritual expression. These two objectives will sometimes be at odds with each other, but we can strike a balance if we practice respect and tolerance—respect for what others believe or don’t believe and tolerance of their expressions of those beliefs.
Using musical expression as an analogy, you can play your music, but if someone asks you to turn in down, they should be respected. Along these same lines, we should strive to be tolerant of each other’s spiritual expression that we are exposed to just as we would be tolerant of someone else’s musical tastes when they play a song that we don’t like. If a particular spiritual expression makes others feel so uncomfortable and not at home even after working with it personally, that they feel a need for it to be moderated or not done at all, we view the resulting discussion and resolution as an opportunity to become a closer and deeper community.
Spiritual expression in private homes and in common spaces does not mean that the community endorses any particular spirituality, only that we endorse the free expression of spiritual belief.
Satellite TV in the Common House
December 10, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
1) Satellite hookup will be installed for the CH TV.
2) Access to watching TV will be password protected, so NO ONE can watch any programs without the code.
3) No children are allowed to watch TV without parental supervision.
4) For the first year of installation, payment for satellite setup and the monthly access fee will be shared equally by those choosing to do so. After the first year, the payment arrangement will be evaluated and changed if necessary.
5) Once installed, six month and one year reviews will be done(i.e., how it’s working to have satellite access in CH).
February 22, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Approve the $12,000 budget that was allocated for the CH furnishings and authorize the Common House Team to spend the money to furnish the CH.
SJCDC Budget
March 12, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the SJCDC budget:
•Consistent with the budget dated 01/11/01, Mac is authorized to:
◦Conservatively invest idle cash.
◦Pay for services and materials listed under Uses.
◦It is understood that the timing and amounts of these transactions may vary, but in no case may total spending be more than Total Uses listed in the budget ($4,267 K) without community authorization.
2001 HOA Operating and Reserve Budgets
March 12, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the 2001 HOA operating budget and reserve budget spreadsheets dated 3/7/01:
•Each team will have an Operating Budget and a Reserve budget; they will be able to spend the operating budget as they decide, but the reserve budget can only be spent for specific reserve line items. Reserve will accumulate until a need arises related to a specific reserve line item. As long as the teams meet their budgetary responsibilities, then they have the freedom to spend their operating budget as they see fit.
•The Finance Team additionally proposes the following:
◦That the 9 month Operating Budget (4/1 – 12/31/01) for Heartwood Cohousing will be $20,888 with the specific allocations per Team as provided for in the 3/7/01 Budget spreadsheet.
◦That the 9 month Reserve Budget (4/1 – 12/31/01) for Heartwood Cohousing be $3,598 with the specific line item allocations per Team as provided for in the 3/7/01 Reserve spreadsheet.
Yurt Proposal
March 15, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•The Clark’s yurt remains in its present location until June, 2002, under the conditions outlined below. In June 2002, we will revisit the decision to see how well it has worked, and whether we want to keep the yurt in its present location, move it elsewhere, or remove it. The spirit of this proposal is to maximize the opportunities for members of the Heartwood Community to make use of the yurt.
•Michael and Betsy will continue to own the yurt, leaving it in its present location–next to the west end of the loop road–for Heartwood Community use.
•It is understood that a membership category is being created for off- land people to become members of the Heartwood community. As soon as this becomes possible, Michael and Betsy Clark will apply for this kind of membership. (Michael and Betsy plan to live in Heartwood Community at some time in the future as regular members of the community.)
•As soon as possible Michael will construct an attached room to house the composting toilet, and a water tank. Insulation will be added to the underside of the platform, and other additions that will make the structure more user friendly. These additions will not anchor the structure to the land in such a way as to make it more difficult to relocate the yurt at some time in the future. The Clarks do not request community funds, as the yurt is private property, but will welcome help from time to time.
•Fran will remove her furniture from the yurt as soon as it becomes possible.
•Fran will establish a calendar where people can sign up for using the yurt, whether for a part of a day or up to a week, on a first-come, first-serve basis. (Michael and Betsy will sign up for yurt use with no priority over other community members.)
•Community members are not expected to pay for use of the yurt. They should take responsibility for leaving the structure as they found it by following a posted cleaning list. No one should use the woodstove without first receiving an orientation from Fran or another expert.
•If the structure is used by a community member in a manner that makes money, or if non-member friends are housed there, a donation would be appropriate for on-going maintenance costs.
Heartwood Woodworkers Guild Workshop Use
March 21, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
The Heartwood Woodworkers Guild will have use of the workshop for woodworking. In order to ensure safety, preservation of equipment, and fair cost sharing, access to some tools and materials within the workshop will be allowed only to guild members (and members of other groups — stained glass, etc.). Membership in the guild will be open to all people who meet an educational requirement (focusing on equipment care and safety) and share in the guild’s costs. The guild will create these guidelines.
In exchange for the use of the workshop, the guild will compensate the community in 3 ways:
1) Pay 50% of utility costs (gas and electric).
2) Provide the community with woodworking (master) pieces.
3) Provide tools and materials for and maintain a general fix-it area for use by all community members.
Costs incurred to set up the workshop (benches, cabinets, shelves, etc) will be borne by the guild. The guild will collaborate with the community to create guidelines to ensure workshop safety and maximize workshop usefulness.
Timeframe for Finalizing a Posted Decision
March 22, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to adopt the following proposal:
•Reduce time frame for finalizing a Posted Decision from 14 days to 10 days.
Jobs Rotation Scheduling Plan
April 9, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•The Jobs Rotation scheduling plan will be in place, which involves a sign-up sheet that specifies jobs and their recommended frequency, and allows members to sign up for jobs for a specified period of time.
Hiring Dave Hart for Various Projects Around Heartwood
April 20, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•To hire Dave Hart to do various projects around Heartwood that require specialized equipment and expertise (such as a backhoe or skidsteer). A bid for these projects was obtained at $60 per hour. Dave’s bid was $50 per hour.
Modify Paragraph C of SJCDC Profit Allocation
April 23, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•2001 Spending
◦Teams are authorized to spend only on projects specifically identified. If projected expenditures to complete all identified projects exceed total allocated amount, the team must make a request for additional funds to the Steering team. Any surplus remaining at 12/31/01 will be reserved for future community use.
2001 Team Spending Requests (one-time expenses)
April 23, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•Approve the 2001 Team Spending Requests (one-time expenses). [Details incorporated into the June 19, 2001 SJCDC Profit Allocation Spreadsheet which was approved at the July 16, 2001 Business Meeting.]
Common Meal Cooking Rotation
April 28, 2001
Posted Decision
On April 21, we consensed to approve the following proposal:
•That we have a team of 3 that cooks and cleans up on their night and for the brunch. The potluck night will have one person for set up and clean up (one person total). Each team can decide how they want to organize the work.
•A sign-up to cook will be posted 2 weeks prior to the end of the last rotation. The rotation will be 3 months. One week before the end of the last rotation the Common meal rotation coordinator will make sure all slots are filled. It has been strongly suggested that EVERYONE participate in the meal rotation.
Node Resizing
May 20, 2001
Posted Decision•
The node in front of the Marvin/Vanderryn house would be decreased in size to accommodate the placement of a pathway to the Marvin/Vanderryn house and increase privacy interests for both adjacent homes, allowing the two families to landscape with free reign up to the new boundary without concern that the boundaries will be enlarged again.
Judith Vanderryn and David Marvin Voting
May 1, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•That Judith and David be grandparented in and receive full voting rights without having to attend a consensus training.
Hiring Barry for Common House Maintenance
May 27, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•To hire Barry at an hourly wage of $40 when there is a maintenance problem at the Common House.
SJCDC Profit Allocation
July 16, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed on the following proposal:
•Consistent with the SJCDC Profit Allocation spreadsheet dated 06/19/01, the following is proposed:
A. Mac’s Compensation
• In accord with the community decision regarding Mac’s compensation(01/31/00), the amount that Mac will be authorized to spend for the benefit of the community will be set at $25,000.
B. Specific Reserves
• Specific reserves have been identified to better plan for future spending. The reserves can only be spent after a community decision authorizing the spending.
C. 2001 Team Spending
• Teams are authorized to spend only on projects specifically identified. If project expenditures to complete all identified projects exceed total allocated amount, the team must make a request for additional funds to the Steering team. Any surplus remaining at 12/31/01 will be reserved for future community use.
D. General Contingency Reserve
• Any money still available after the uses identified above will be reserved for general community contingency, which could include such possibilities as warranty issues with SJCDC-built homes, failed water system, septic problems in excess of SJBH Septic Reserve, etc. The reserve can only be spent after a community decision authorizing the spending.
E. Periodic Review
• We will periodically review requests for additional SJCDC profit spending. As much as possible, many requests will be considered together so requests can be prioritized and we can avoid having the reserves whittled away piecemeal.
F. 2001 HOA Budget Shortfall
• No money will be allocated from SJCDC profits to go towards the 2001 HOA budget. The HOA dues will be set at a level sufficient to cover anticipated HOA expenses, however, at the end of 2001 any unspent HOA operating funds (not reserves) will be refunded to households in proportion to the regular dues they paid in during the year.
G. Kitchen Acoustics
• Based on the good acoustic performance of the common house so far, we will not create a $4000 specific reserve for kitchen acoustic separation as had been called for in our 04/26/99 decision.
H. Utility Box Landscaping
• No money will be allocated from SJCDC profits to go towards landscaping for the 4 clusters of utility boxes located on private lots. Members are encouraged to cooperate with neighbors to privately provide landscaping for the utility boxes.
Tot Lot Landscaping
July 24, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed on the following proposal:
•Do not build rock retaining wall in Tot Lot. Place planters instead along edge of porch above Tot Lot.
Julie Goodman Grandparented to Full Voting Member
August 7, 2001
Posted Decision
It was consensed to approve the following proposal:
•Julie Goodman is grandparented into full voting status.
A1/A2 Lot Pricing
August 13, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•Lots A1 and A2 will pay 50% of the assigned fee for splitting their duplex lot into 2 single family homes. The total cost is $2250/lot. If financing is necessary, the balance will be paid by August 31, 2003. Payments will be worked out with the Finance team.
Gas Well Task Force Authority
August 13, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•The Gas Well Task Force will have the authority to represent Heartwood and approve the Surface Use Agreement and related side agreements between the Thomsons and BP for the new Outback gas well. This proposal applies to the well in the north window, and is based on the assumption that the well will be placed on the Thomson’s land.
Community Clothesline
August 31, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed on the following proposal:
•To locate a community clothesline in the space behind the common house (as indicated). There will be a path from the basement of the common house to the clothesline suitable for walking and for carts. The cost of the path will come from the Land Stewardship budget. The view from Pam’s guest bedroom will be screened with vegetation using money from the Land Stewardship construction budget. Any costs incurred from building the clothesline will come from the CH budget.
Format of Business Meeting Minutes Revision
September 1, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed on the following proposal:
•The meeting minutes format used at meetings will record only decisions, action items and red card concerns. (This proposal changes the recorder responsibility section of the meetings agreement.)
Private Landscaping Agreement Revision
September 10, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed on the following proposal:
•To amend the Private Landscaping Agreement to reflect:
•Controlling noxious weeds
•A more flexible landscaping timeline
Design Style Agreement Revision
September 10, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed on the following proposal:
•To change Design Agreement to read, “The roofs are of the same material. There are two roof colors: blue and brown.”
Legal and Financial Agreement Elimination
September 10, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed on the following proposal:
•To eliminate the Legal and Financial Agreements from our Book of Agreements.
Private Use of Community Resources Revision
September 24, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed on the following proposal:
•To revise the Private Use of Community Resources agreement to:
◦change the term ‘Exclusive’ to ‘Dedicated’ throughout the Long-Term Dedicated Use section.
◦to add ‘or the appropriate team’ to ‘the community and users’ in the 2nd paragraph in the two approval sections.
Community Living Agreement Revision
October 8, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed on the following proposal:
•To revise the agreement to:
•Update the term ‘Planning & Oversight team’ to ‘Steering Team’
•Delete the ‘Definition of a Household’ section.
HOA Tax Strategy
October 8, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•SJCDC will pay the HOA all available cash after stock redemption, in order that the HOA will assume responsibility for SJCDC common improvements obligations. The HOA and SJCDC will enter a legal agreement to reflect the transfer of obligations. SJCDC will redeem stock from shareholders at original cost. The goal will be to dissolve SJCDC prior to Dec 31, 2001 without tax impacts on SJCDC shareholders or the HOA.
Decision Making Agreement Revision
October 21, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
•Replace the current lines from our Decision Making agreement with the proposed lines:
◦Current: Once no red card concerns are raised before the Input Deadline Date, the proposal becomes a decision. Once the decision is made (or possibly not), the Presenter posts a proposal follow up at the designated posting place.
◦Proposed: Once no red card concerns are raised before the Input Deadline Date AND the Presenter has posted a proposal follow up at the designated posting place, the proposal becomes a decision. The Presenter is also expected to post a proposal follow up if the proposal has not passed.
Spiritual Expression Agreement
December 3, 2001
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal to amend the Spiritual Expression Agreement to read as follows:
Spiritual expression is looked at in much the same way as other forms of expression and is accorded the same rights and responsibilities. The community will allow common facilitates to be used for spiritual expressions, but participation will be completely voluntary and should be easy for people to opt out of if they don’t want to participate. The ease of opting out of a particular spiritual expression depends upon a combination of factors, including its location, duration, size and intensity.
With the great diversity in spiritual beliefs within the community, we want to ensure that everyone has ample opportunity to freely express their spirituality, but we also want to ensure that everyone is free from participating in undesired spiritual expression. These two objectives will sometimes be at odds with each other, but we can strike a balance if we practice respect and tolerance—respect for what others believe or don’t believe and tolerance of their expressions of those beliefs.
Using musical expression as an analogy, you can play your music, but if someone asks you to turn in down, they should be respected. Along these same lines, we should strive to be tolerant of each other’s spiritual expression that we are exposed to just as we would be tolerant of someone else’s musical tastes when they play a song that we don’t like. If a particular spiritual expression makes others feel so uncomfortable and not at home even after working with it personally, that they feel a need for it to be moderated or not done at all, we view the resulting discussion and resolution as an opportunity to become a closer and deeper community.
Spiritual expression in private homes and in common spaces does not mean that the community endorses any particular spirituality, only that we endorse the free expression of spiritual belief.
Satellite TV in the Common House
December 10, 2001
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
1) Satellite hookup will be installed for the CH TV.
2) Access to watching TV will be password protected, so NO ONE can watch any programs without the code.
3) No children are allowed to watch TV without parental supervision.
4) For the first year of installation, payment for satellite setup and the monthly access fee will be shared equally by those choosing to do so. After the first year, the payment arrangement will be evaluated and changed if necessary.
5) Once installed, six month and one year reviews will be done(i.e., how it’s working to have satellite access in CH).