Sale of Carport
February 11, 2002
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
Sell carport CP 11 to Jeff and Mary for $5500. The Common Facilities Team is authorized to spend up to $5500 by 12/31/03 to meet community storage needs, including those detailed in our 3/19/99 Parking and Storage decision.
Steering Team Selection
March 11, 2002
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
Deb LaQua, Ronda Northcraft, Jeff Walker and Lynne McGee will serve on the Steering Team for the 2002 term.
LST Construction Budget
April 15, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
The money originally from Heartwood’s construction budget, authorized for use by the LST to landscape the Village Green and Common House, will remain available for the Land Stewardship Team’s use through the year 2004. If any money remains it will be returned to Heartwood’s general operating budget in 2005.
Landscaping Community Land
April 15, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
The LST encourages homeowners to plant and rejuvenate community property adjacent to their property with the following guidelines:
• Common areas can be planted with plants and other landscaping features; no permanent structures without community consensus.
• Plant only the land that has been disturbed. Do not disturb the native vegetation (i.e. pinon, juniper, oak etc.)
• The homeowner will eliminate any noxious or invasive weeds.
• The homeowner must maintain drainage features.
• When planting front yards to the pathways, be aware that the pathway needs a total of 12 feet of access for fire trucks to drive on. Ground cover and hardy low plants may be used near the pavement.
• There are utility easements for the utilities that run under the land between the front lot lines and the pathways. If one of those utilities needs to be serviced in the future, any landscaping could be destroyed.
Gathering Nodes
April 15, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to the following proposal:
• To eliminate the node that would have been in front of the Goldberg’s home (#9).
• To change the gathering node that would have been by Werner’s and Sherrod’s home (#19) into a habitat node for plants only, not specifically designed as a place for people to gather.
Tree House
May 23, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• Mark (#20) is authorized to build a tree house in the Juniper tree about 60 yards north of his house on community property.
Lot Split
June 3, 2002
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• Lots 5 & 6 (E 1 & E 2) of Heartwood Cohousing will be changed in their designation to either duplex or single family dwelling units. All design guidelines currently in effect for the building of single family dwelling units will be in effect. No single lot premium will be required.
Forest Thinning / Fire Safety
June 10, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• The community will spend up to $2500 of community money for hiring professional help in clearing trees and brush and creating a safer, more defensible perimeter around our housing cluster. The money will come from the contingency fund. The community will provide a labor crew to help the people we hire, at the predetermined times. If the costs go over $2500, we will ask for private donations from individual homeowners, or we will stop and do the rest ourselves.
Membership Application, Membership, & Community Living Agreements Revisions
July 1, 2002
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• Eliminate the Membership Incentives and Long Distance Membership agreements.
• Revise the Membership Application (as recorded in meeting minutes).
• Replace the Membership Levels agreement with the revised Membership agreement (as recorded in meeting minutes). Eliminate the Home Resale section of the Community Living agreement.
• Revise the Renters and Guests agreement (as recorded in meeting minutes). Move the Renters and Guests agreement to the Membership section of the Book of Agreements
Irrigated Land Long Range Plan
July 13, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• To adopt the following long range plan for the irrigated land thus allowing the Irrigated Land management team to make decisions that support the long range plan:
• We will use our irrigation water wisely. We will look for ways to hold and conserve it wherever possible and beneficial.
• We will manage the drainage running south from the garden to the spring fed pond along with the areas around the spring fed pond primarily for the benefit of wildlife. We will preserve the existing wetlands habitat wherever possible. This does not exclude its use for other purposes as long as the good of the wildlife is given priority.
• The rest of the irrigated land will be managed for livestock and agricultural use in a manner that sustains a healthy, beautiful and diverse ecosystem for wild and domestic plants and animals.
Drilling for New Water Well
September 9, 2002
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• The CFT is authorized to begin work on drilling a water well including arranging for the necessary permits and getting on a driller’s waiting list. The CFT will continue to explore various alternatives (including drilling a well) to assure that Heartwood has a reliable supply of water in the short and long term. If the CFT determines that drilling a well is the best alternative, they are authorized to spend up to $18,000 to drill the well and bring it on line. The CFT will keep the community apprised of what they learn and what they decide.
2003 HOA Operating and Reserve Budget
November 4, 2002
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the 2003 operating budget and reserve budget spreadsheet dated 10/21/02:
• Assessments: Assessments will continue to be allocated 50% on a per lot basis and 50% on a per person basis.
Monthly assessments for 2003 will be:
$78 for a household of 1
$102 for a household of 2
$126 for a household of 3
$150 for a household of 4
$174 for a household of 5
$198 for a household of 6
It is estimated that this will generate a 12 month total of approximately $33,552.
• Operating and Reserves Budgets
Consistent with the budget spreadsheet dated 10/21/02, the total Operating budget will be $28,461 and the total Reserves budget will be $5,998. Specific team Operating and Reserves budgets are detailed in the spreadsheet. Teams are authorized to spend their Operating budgets as they decide consistent with their responsibilities listed in our Teams agreement. The Reserves budgets may only be spent for specific Reserves line items. Reserves will accumulate until a need arises related to a specific Reserves line item. A detailed review of the Reserves budgets will be led by the Finance team in the spring of 2003.
• Contingency: The Contingency will be $2,846 (10% of the total Operating budget).
• Extraordinary Spending: The following Extraordinary Spending is authorized for 2003 (entity with spending authorization is in parentheses) :
Ted”s Happy Money (Ted)$600
Fruit Trees (G&G) $200
Kitchen Island (Mac) $200
Irrigation Pipeline (LST) $1800
Trail Building Tools (LST) $500
TOTAL $3300
Budget & Assessments Agreement Revision
November 10, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• Revise the Budget & Assessments agreement by replacing “the census of how many people are living in each home is updated on the first day of each quarter” with “the census of how many people are living in each home is updated at the beginning of each month.” Make this revision retroactive to January 1, 2002.
• Revise the Budget & Assessments agreement by replacing “Homeowners may choose to pay their assessment monthly or quarterly” with “Homeowners are assessed monthly.”
Voting Rights
November 12, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• In the Decision Making agreement, replace “Only Members who have completed Consensus Training may vote” with the following paragraph: “Once people have become members of Heartwood Cohousing, they must attend 4 business meetings before they can vote. They will observe silently at the first two and can participate in everything but straw poll votes and final votes at the final two meetings. Facilitators and/or P&C members will be available immediately after these meetings to answer questions about the process. P&C has discretion to modify these requirements on a case by case basis depending upon the number of meetings someone has attended prior to becoming a member. New members are required to attend the next available Heartwood consensus/communication training and encouraged to join a team.”
• In the Meetings agreement, replace the Levels of Involvement section with the following: “Levels of Involvement: Anyone is welcome to attend any meeting unless otherwise decided. Business Meetings: In order to make efficient use of meeting time, there are 2 levels of involvement. Guest: Entitled to observe and discuss during the Opening and Closing, but may only observe while issues are being addressed. No qualifications. Member: Entitled to observe, discuss, and vote.” (See our Membership agreement for Member qualifications. See our Decision Making agreement regarding voting rights).
Membership Team Spending
November 14, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• If there are surpluses from the 2002 HC budget in the amount of at least $160, $160 should be given to the Marketing team to be used towards reimbursement of personal funds advanced by team members for budget overspending.
February 11, 2002
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
Sell carport CP 11 to Jeff and Mary for $5500. The Common Facilities Team is authorized to spend up to $5500 by 12/31/03 to meet community storage needs, including those detailed in our 3/19/99 Parking and Storage decision.
Steering Team Selection
March 11, 2002
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
Deb LaQua, Ronda Northcraft, Jeff Walker and Lynne McGee will serve on the Steering Team for the 2002 term.
LST Construction Budget
April 15, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
The money originally from Heartwood’s construction budget, authorized for use by the LST to landscape the Village Green and Common House, will remain available for the Land Stewardship Team’s use through the year 2004. If any money remains it will be returned to Heartwood’s general operating budget in 2005.
Landscaping Community Land
April 15, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
The LST encourages homeowners to plant and rejuvenate community property adjacent to their property with the following guidelines:
• Common areas can be planted with plants and other landscaping features; no permanent structures without community consensus.
• Plant only the land that has been disturbed. Do not disturb the native vegetation (i.e. pinon, juniper, oak etc.)
• The homeowner will eliminate any noxious or invasive weeds.
• The homeowner must maintain drainage features.
• When planting front yards to the pathways, be aware that the pathway needs a total of 12 feet of access for fire trucks to drive on. Ground cover and hardy low plants may be used near the pavement.
• There are utility easements for the utilities that run under the land between the front lot lines and the pathways. If one of those utilities needs to be serviced in the future, any landscaping could be destroyed.
Gathering Nodes
April 15, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to the following proposal:
• To eliminate the node that would have been in front of the Goldberg’s home (#9).
• To change the gathering node that would have been by Werner’s and Sherrod’s home (#19) into a habitat node for plants only, not specifically designed as a place for people to gather.
Tree House
May 23, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• Mark (#20) is authorized to build a tree house in the Juniper tree about 60 yards north of his house on community property.
Lot Split
June 3, 2002
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• Lots 5 & 6 (E 1 & E 2) of Heartwood Cohousing will be changed in their designation to either duplex or single family dwelling units. All design guidelines currently in effect for the building of single family dwelling units will be in effect. No single lot premium will be required.
Forest Thinning / Fire Safety
June 10, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• The community will spend up to $2500 of community money for hiring professional help in clearing trees and brush and creating a safer, more defensible perimeter around our housing cluster. The money will come from the contingency fund. The community will provide a labor crew to help the people we hire, at the predetermined times. If the costs go over $2500, we will ask for private donations from individual homeowners, or we will stop and do the rest ourselves.
Membership Application, Membership, & Community Living Agreements Revisions
July 1, 2002
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• Eliminate the Membership Incentives and Long Distance Membership agreements.
• Revise the Membership Application (as recorded in meeting minutes).
• Replace the Membership Levels agreement with the revised Membership agreement (as recorded in meeting minutes). Eliminate the Home Resale section of the Community Living agreement.
• Revise the Renters and Guests agreement (as recorded in meeting minutes). Move the Renters and Guests agreement to the Membership section of the Book of Agreements
Irrigated Land Long Range Plan
July 13, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• To adopt the following long range plan for the irrigated land thus allowing the Irrigated Land management team to make decisions that support the long range plan:
• We will use our irrigation water wisely. We will look for ways to hold and conserve it wherever possible and beneficial.
• We will manage the drainage running south from the garden to the spring fed pond along with the areas around the spring fed pond primarily for the benefit of wildlife. We will preserve the existing wetlands habitat wherever possible. This does not exclude its use for other purposes as long as the good of the wildlife is given priority.
• The rest of the irrigated land will be managed for livestock and agricultural use in a manner that sustains a healthy, beautiful and diverse ecosystem for wild and domestic plants and animals.
Drilling for New Water Well
September 9, 2002
Business Meeting
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• The CFT is authorized to begin work on drilling a water well including arranging for the necessary permits and getting on a driller’s waiting list. The CFT will continue to explore various alternatives (including drilling a well) to assure that Heartwood has a reliable supply of water in the short and long term. If the CFT determines that drilling a well is the best alternative, they are authorized to spend up to $18,000 to drill the well and bring it on line. The CFT will keep the community apprised of what they learn and what they decide.
2003 HOA Operating and Reserve Budget
November 4, 2002
Business Meeting
We consensed to adopt the 2003 operating budget and reserve budget spreadsheet dated 10/21/02:
• Assessments: Assessments will continue to be allocated 50% on a per lot basis and 50% on a per person basis.
Monthly assessments for 2003 will be:
$78 for a household of 1
$102 for a household of 2
$126 for a household of 3
$150 for a household of 4
$174 for a household of 5
$198 for a household of 6
It is estimated that this will generate a 12 month total of approximately $33,552.
• Operating and Reserves Budgets
Consistent with the budget spreadsheet dated 10/21/02, the total Operating budget will be $28,461 and the total Reserves budget will be $5,998. Specific team Operating and Reserves budgets are detailed in the spreadsheet. Teams are authorized to spend their Operating budgets as they decide consistent with their responsibilities listed in our Teams agreement. The Reserves budgets may only be spent for specific Reserves line items. Reserves will accumulate until a need arises related to a specific Reserves line item. A detailed review of the Reserves budgets will be led by the Finance team in the spring of 2003.
• Contingency: The Contingency will be $2,846 (10% of the total Operating budget).
• Extraordinary Spending: The following Extraordinary Spending is authorized for 2003 (entity with spending authorization is in parentheses) :
Ted”s Happy Money (Ted)$600
Fruit Trees (G&G) $200
Kitchen Island (Mac) $200
Irrigation Pipeline (LST) $1800
Trail Building Tools (LST) $500
TOTAL $3300
Budget & Assessments Agreement Revision
November 10, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• Revise the Budget & Assessments agreement by replacing “the census of how many people are living in each home is updated on the first day of each quarter” with “the census of how many people are living in each home is updated at the beginning of each month.” Make this revision retroactive to January 1, 2002.
• Revise the Budget & Assessments agreement by replacing “Homeowners may choose to pay their assessment monthly or quarterly” with “Homeowners are assessed monthly.”
Voting Rights
November 12, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• In the Decision Making agreement, replace “Only Members who have completed Consensus Training may vote” with the following paragraph: “Once people have become members of Heartwood Cohousing, they must attend 4 business meetings before they can vote. They will observe silently at the first two and can participate in everything but straw poll votes and final votes at the final two meetings. Facilitators and/or P&C members will be available immediately after these meetings to answer questions about the process. P&C has discretion to modify these requirements on a case by case basis depending upon the number of meetings someone has attended prior to becoming a member. New members are required to attend the next available Heartwood consensus/communication training and encouraged to join a team.”
• In the Meetings agreement, replace the Levels of Involvement section with the following: “Levels of Involvement: Anyone is welcome to attend any meeting unless otherwise decided. Business Meetings: In order to make efficient use of meeting time, there are 2 levels of involvement. Guest: Entitled to observe and discuss during the Opening and Closing, but may only observe while issues are being addressed. No qualifications. Member: Entitled to observe, discuss, and vote.” (See our Membership agreement for Member qualifications. See our Decision Making agreement regarding voting rights).
Membership Team Spending
November 14, 2002
Posted Decision
We consensed to approve the following proposal:
• If there are surpluses from the 2002 HC budget in the amount of at least $160, $160 should be given to the Marketing team to be used towards reimbursement of personal funds advanced by team members for budget overspending.