Rewiring Grossman’s West Carport
January 27, 2011
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
1. Put photovoltaic panels on the roof of one or both of the Grossmans’s carports .
2. Convert responsibility of the LPEA account and electric meter that serves the west carport from the community to the Grossman's. (this change is necessary because of rules and laws that don’t allow one person to sell electricity to a second person without a huge amount of paperwork and legal fees, if the meter is the responsibility of the second person.)
3. Have a contract to sell electricity to the community at the same rate that LPEA charges. Dick and Gay would also pay the monthly connection fee so the HOA would actually pay less than it is paying now.
a. This west carport circuit includes the electricity that the community currently supplies to:
January 27, 2011
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
1. Put photovoltaic panels on the roof of one or both of the Grossmans’s carports .
2. Convert responsibility of the LPEA account and electric meter that serves the west carport from the community to the Grossman's. (this change is necessary because of rules and laws that don’t allow one person to sell electricity to a second person without a huge amount of paperwork and legal fees, if the meter is the responsibility of the second person.)
3. Have a contract to sell electricity to the community at the same rate that LPEA charges. Dick and Gay would also pay the monthly connection fee so the HOA would actually pay less than it is paying now.
a. This west carport circuit includes the electricity that the community currently supplies to:
- Run the two remaining path lights and the lights on the carport
- Run the lift stations by #6 and south of the #9
- Charge the golf cart for the Farm
- Run occasional other loads, such as the lights in the carport closets, engine heater for our truck, and a freezer, shop vac, etc.
Steering Team Slate 2011
March 7, 2011
Community Meeting
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Accept the proposed slate of Sondra Joyce, Jonathan Drake, Lynne McGee, and Lazaros Bountour as the four members of the 2011 Heartwood Cohousing Steering Team.
March 7, 2011
Community Meeting
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Accept the proposed slate of Sondra Joyce, Jonathan Drake, Lynne McGee, and Lazaros Bountour as the four members of the 2011 Heartwood Cohousing Steering Team.
Addition of Scott Fallows to the Steering Team for 2011
April 4, 2011
Community Meeting
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Proposal: To accept Scott Fallows as a member of the 2011 Steering Team, which already includes Sondra Joyce, Jonathan Drake, Lynne McGee, and Lazaros Bountour.
April 4, 2011
Community Meeting
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Proposal: To accept Scott Fallows as a member of the 2011 Steering Team, which already includes Sondra Joyce, Jonathan Drake, Lynne McGee, and Lazaros Bountour.
Improving Road to Community Water Tank
March 21, 2011
Community Meeting
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
The CFT is authorized to spend between $6400 and $9600 to make improvements to the road leading up to the water tank, including providing a turnaround area near the water tank. The community will pay for this improvement out of funds it currently holds; reimbursement of these funds will be via HOA dues assessments starting after the 2011 budget year.
March 21, 2011
Community Meeting
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
The CFT is authorized to spend between $6400 and $9600 to make improvements to the road leading up to the water tank, including providing a turnaround area near the water tank. The community will pay for this improvement out of funds it currently holds; reimbursement of these funds will be via HOA dues assessments starting after the 2011 budget year.