Create New Families Fund
January 17, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Create a New Families Fund, which would be funded by voluntary donations. The fund will be used to create financial incentives for families buying a lot or home at Heartwood, either in Phase 1 or Phase 2.
The Membership team will be responsible for administering the fund. The plan is to collect enough donations to offer 3 awards of $1000 each for the first 3 families to buy a lot or home at Heartwood. If enough donations are made, additional awards may be offered.
A family will be defined as having at least one child 12 years old or younger. The award will be given at the time of the actual home or lot purchase (e.g., a family that becomes a P2 member household would be eligible to earn the award, but would not actually receive it until they buy their P2 lot — so they wouldn’t receive it if they drop out for some reason). If a family buys a P2 custom lot, but then fails to build a home and move-in, they would be expected to pay back the $1000.
January 17, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Create a New Families Fund, which would be funded by voluntary donations. The fund will be used to create financial incentives for families buying a lot or home at Heartwood, either in Phase 1 or Phase 2.
The Membership team will be responsible for administering the fund. The plan is to collect enough donations to offer 3 awards of $1000 each for the first 3 families to buy a lot or home at Heartwood. If enough donations are made, additional awards may be offered.
A family will be defined as having at least one child 12 years old or younger. The award will be given at the time of the actual home or lot purchase (e.g., a family that becomes a P2 member household would be eligible to earn the award, but would not actually receive it until they buy their P2 lot — so they wouldn’t receive it if they drop out for some reason). If a family buys a P2 custom lot, but then fails to build a home and move-in, they would be expected to pay back the $1000.
2020 Steering Team Slate
February 22, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
The 2020 ST proposed slate is Julie Goodman (returning member), KJ, Dick and Becky. Mac will stay on the ST for 3 months to assist with transitioning and then resign. Beth Walker will remain in the position of treasurer.
February 22, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
The 2020 ST proposed slate is Julie Goodman (returning member), KJ, Dick and Becky. Mac will stay on the ST for 3 months to assist with transitioning and then resign. Beth Walker will remain in the position of treasurer.
Repairs on the Workshop Roof
May 2, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Patrick will be hired to maintain the workshop, boardroom and bodega roofs as necessary, to include tightening screws or replacing them as needed. The HOA will pay: $100 if the work can be completed in 3 hours or less; $150 if it requires more than 3 hours. In addition, Patrick estimates the he will need $20 to $30 for materials.
May 2, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Patrick will be hired to maintain the workshop, boardroom and bodega roofs as necessary, to include tightening screws or replacing them as needed. The HOA will pay: $100 if the work can be completed in 3 hours or less; $150 if it requires more than 3 hours. In addition, Patrick estimates the he will need $20 to $30 for materials.
Team Reserves Revision
May 17, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Eliminate the following Team Reserves:
Yurt Batteries
Team: Common House
High Tunnel Doors
Team: N-PAT
Revise the following Team Reserves:
Road, Parking Lots, & Pathways Maintenance
Eliminate the current Road Repairs Team Reserve, the Pathways Repairs Team Reserve, and the Road, Parking Lots, & Pathways Maintenance operating budget ($400 in 2020) and replace them all with a new Road, Parking Lots, & Pathways Maintenance Team Reserve (Critical System) funded at $10,000 every 4 years ($2,500 per year).
Team: CFT
Type: Critical System
Reserve Cap: $10,000
New Life Cycle: 4
New Annual Funding: $2,500
Potable Water System
Team: CFT
Type: Critical System
Old Reserve Cap: $10,000
Old Life Cycle: 10
Old Annual Funding: $1,000
New Reserve Cap: $10,000
New Life Cycle: 5
New Annual Funding: $2,000
Septic System
Team: CFT
Type: Critical System
Old Reserve Cap: $10,000
Old Life Cycle: 3
Old Annual Funding: $3,333
New Reserve Cap: $8,400
New Life Cycle: 2
New Annual Funding: $4,200
Outside Facilitator
Team: P&C
Old Type: per Occurrence
New Type: Discretionary
Reserve Cap: $3,800
Life Cycle: 3
Annual Funding: $1,267
A Discretionary Team Reserve may only be spent consistent with the stated Life Cycle frequency — in this case, once every three years.
Tractor - Major Repair (>$500)
Team: S-PAT
Type: Major Maintenance
Old Reserve Cap: $7,000
Old Life Cycle: 10
Old Annual Funding: $700
New Reserve Cap: $7,000
New Life Cycle: 5
New Annual Funding: $1,400
May 17, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Eliminate the following Team Reserves:
Yurt Batteries
Team: Common House
High Tunnel Doors
Team: N-PAT
Revise the following Team Reserves:
Road, Parking Lots, & Pathways Maintenance
Eliminate the current Road Repairs Team Reserve, the Pathways Repairs Team Reserve, and the Road, Parking Lots, & Pathways Maintenance operating budget ($400 in 2020) and replace them all with a new Road, Parking Lots, & Pathways Maintenance Team Reserve (Critical System) funded at $10,000 every 4 years ($2,500 per year).
Team: CFT
Type: Critical System
Reserve Cap: $10,000
New Life Cycle: 4
New Annual Funding: $2,500
Potable Water System
Team: CFT
Type: Critical System
Old Reserve Cap: $10,000
Old Life Cycle: 10
Old Annual Funding: $1,000
New Reserve Cap: $10,000
New Life Cycle: 5
New Annual Funding: $2,000
Septic System
Team: CFT
Type: Critical System
Old Reserve Cap: $10,000
Old Life Cycle: 3
Old Annual Funding: $3,333
New Reserve Cap: $8,400
New Life Cycle: 2
New Annual Funding: $4,200
Outside Facilitator
Team: P&C
Old Type: per Occurrence
New Type: Discretionary
Reserve Cap: $3,800
Life Cycle: 3
Annual Funding: $1,267
A Discretionary Team Reserve may only be spent consistent with the stated Life Cycle frequency — in this case, once every three years.
Tractor - Major Repair (>$500)
Team: S-PAT
Type: Major Maintenance
Old Reserve Cap: $7,000
Old Life Cycle: 10
Old Annual Funding: $700
New Reserve Cap: $7,000
New Life Cycle: 5
New Annual Funding: $1,400
Private Use of Community Resources Agreement Revision
July 11, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
In Commercial Use section of the Private Use of Community Resources Agreement, immediately following, “Approval: From the appropriate team.”, add, “Additionally, commercial users are required to review their proposed commercial use of community resources with the insurance person on the Finance team to ensure that all insurance issues addressed in our Insurance FAQ document are understood and followed.".
July 11, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
In Commercial Use section of the Private Use of Community Resources Agreement, immediately following, “Approval: From the appropriate team.”, add, “Additionally, commercial users are required to review their proposed commercial use of community resources with the insurance person on the Finance team to ensure that all insurance issues addressed in our Insurance FAQ document are understood and followed.".
Combine North and South Pasture and Agriculture Teams
July 23, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Revise the Teams agreement as follows to combine the South and North Pasture Teams into The Pasture and Agriculture Team (PAT). This includes combining the budgets for 2020 and starting in 2021 only the one budget for the Pasture and Ag Team will be submitted.
Pasture & Agriculture
Includes irrigated pastureland, pasture irrigation system, spring fed pond, fencing, tractor and agricultural implements, farm tools, and any structures in the pasture, but specifically excludes the turnaround near entry, cluster irrigation pond, and cluster irrigation system.
To guide the community in its use of and interaction with our irrigated pastureland. To achieve this, we will explore, learn, and implement the principles of holistic management in a manner that sustains a healthy, beautiful, and diverse ecosystem for wild and domestic plants and animals.
Number of Members
5 to 8
Responsibility & Authority
Overall responsibility for the wise stewardship of our irrigated pastureland. The primary stewardship priorities are long term environmental health, agricultural production, food production, livestock use, and aesthetics. The current wetlands, oak groves and drainages will be respected and stewarded primarily for wildlife.
Specific Responsibilities and Authorities
• Create and revise long term land use plan for irrigated pasture. – Proposal Authority
• Implement long term land use plan for irrigated pasture. – Full Authority
• Manage and maintain pasture irrigation, including all head gates, irrigation pipe, etc. – Full Authority
• Manage and maintain pasture fencing. – Full Authority
• Control weeds. – Full Authority
• Manage and maintain farm tools and structures. – Full Authority
• Tractor and Agricultural Implements:
• Keep the tractor and agricultural implements (includes mower and fuel tank) in a good, safe working condition. - Full Authority
• Oversee the use of the tractor and agricultural implements. Create guidelines for their use, including setting fees for private use consistent with our Private Use of Community Resources agreement. - Full Authority
• Enter into, monitor and manage written agreements with private entities using the ag land and/or other pasture assets (including setting pasture use fees and requirements), consistent with our Private Use of Community Resources agreement, other Heartwood agreements, and any liability requirements. This applies to land use for both animal and plant production. It also applies to agreements with both members and nonmembers. – Full Authority
• Implement Agricultural and Pet Ownership agreement as it pertains to irrigated pastureland. – Full Authority
• Ensure that agreements related to our irrigated pasture and agricultural land are followed – Full Authority
• Ensure that Paragraphs 7.9, 7.12, 7.16 and 7.17 of covenants are followed. – Full Authority
• Know and abide by all laws and regulations pertaining to irrigation water rights. – Full Authority
• Know and abide by County regulations that affect land usage. – Full Authority
• Obtain permits for additional structures on pastureland as needed. – Proposal Authority
• Manage and maintain our existing ditch or other agricultural water rights. – Full Authority
• Sell or lease ditch or other agricultural water rights. – Proposal Authority
• Acquire or lease ditch or other agricultural water rights. – Full Authority
• Create and manage barns and other pasture structures. – Full Authority
• Wetlands, oak groves, and their drainages:
• Create and revise long term land use plan. – Proposal Authority
• Implement long term land use plan. – Full Authority
• Create goodwill relationships and guidelines for cooperation with other food producers at Heartwood. – Full Authority
• Coordinate farm internships. – Proposal Authority
• Allocate money collected from Large Animal Use Fees. –(Each member grazing large animals pays a one time fee per animal to previous large owner members of PAT. This money is used for the equipment that has been purchased by previous members for the benefit and maintenance of the large animals pastured at HW. This money does not go into the HW HOA fund.) Full Authority
• Create names for irrigated pastureland features. – Full Authority
July 23, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Revise the Teams agreement as follows to combine the South and North Pasture Teams into The Pasture and Agriculture Team (PAT). This includes combining the budgets for 2020 and starting in 2021 only the one budget for the Pasture and Ag Team will be submitted.
Pasture & Agriculture
Includes irrigated pastureland, pasture irrigation system, spring fed pond, fencing, tractor and agricultural implements, farm tools, and any structures in the pasture, but specifically excludes the turnaround near entry, cluster irrigation pond, and cluster irrigation system.
To guide the community in its use of and interaction with our irrigated pastureland. To achieve this, we will explore, learn, and implement the principles of holistic management in a manner that sustains a healthy, beautiful, and diverse ecosystem for wild and domestic plants and animals.
Number of Members
5 to 8
Responsibility & Authority
Overall responsibility for the wise stewardship of our irrigated pastureland. The primary stewardship priorities are long term environmental health, agricultural production, food production, livestock use, and aesthetics. The current wetlands, oak groves and drainages will be respected and stewarded primarily for wildlife.
Specific Responsibilities and Authorities
• Create and revise long term land use plan for irrigated pasture. – Proposal Authority
• Implement long term land use plan for irrigated pasture. – Full Authority
• Manage and maintain pasture irrigation, including all head gates, irrigation pipe, etc. – Full Authority
• Manage and maintain pasture fencing. – Full Authority
• Control weeds. – Full Authority
• Manage and maintain farm tools and structures. – Full Authority
• Tractor and Agricultural Implements:
• Keep the tractor and agricultural implements (includes mower and fuel tank) in a good, safe working condition. - Full Authority
• Oversee the use of the tractor and agricultural implements. Create guidelines for their use, including setting fees for private use consistent with our Private Use of Community Resources agreement. - Full Authority
• Enter into, monitor and manage written agreements with private entities using the ag land and/or other pasture assets (including setting pasture use fees and requirements), consistent with our Private Use of Community Resources agreement, other Heartwood agreements, and any liability requirements. This applies to land use for both animal and plant production. It also applies to agreements with both members and nonmembers. – Full Authority
• Implement Agricultural and Pet Ownership agreement as it pertains to irrigated pastureland. – Full Authority
• Ensure that agreements related to our irrigated pasture and agricultural land are followed – Full Authority
• Ensure that Paragraphs 7.9, 7.12, 7.16 and 7.17 of covenants are followed. – Full Authority
• Know and abide by all laws and regulations pertaining to irrigation water rights. – Full Authority
• Know and abide by County regulations that affect land usage. – Full Authority
• Obtain permits for additional structures on pastureland as needed. – Proposal Authority
• Manage and maintain our existing ditch or other agricultural water rights. – Full Authority
• Sell or lease ditch or other agricultural water rights. – Proposal Authority
• Acquire or lease ditch or other agricultural water rights. – Full Authority
• Create and manage barns and other pasture structures. – Full Authority
• Wetlands, oak groves, and their drainages:
• Create and revise long term land use plan. – Proposal Authority
• Implement long term land use plan. – Full Authority
• Create goodwill relationships and guidelines for cooperation with other food producers at Heartwood. – Full Authority
• Coordinate farm internships. – Proposal Authority
• Allocate money collected from Large Animal Use Fees. –(Each member grazing large animals pays a one time fee per animal to previous large owner members of PAT. This money is used for the equipment that has been purchased by previous members for the benefit and maintenance of the large animals pastured at HW. This money does not go into the HW HOA fund.) Full Authority
• Create names for irrigated pastureland features. – Full Authority
Budget & Assessments Agreement Revision
October 17, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Revise the Budget & Assessments agreement by replacing the last sentence in the first paragraph in the Assessments section with, "A person is removed from the census if they intend to or do in fact move away for more than 30 days."
In order to make it easier for homeowners to qualify for mortgages by showing a lower rate of HOA assessments, in our bookkeeping and on our invoices, the Finance team will separate the per household portion of our assessments from the per person portion, with the former being the assessment and the latter being some sort of usage fee.
October 17, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Revise the Budget & Assessments agreement by replacing the last sentence in the first paragraph in the Assessments section with, "A person is removed from the census if they intend to or do in fact move away for more than 30 days."
In order to make it easier for homeowners to qualify for mortgages by showing a lower rate of HOA assessments, in our bookkeeping and on our invoices, the Finance team will separate the per household portion of our assessments from the per person portion, with the former being the assessment and the latter being some sort of usage fee.
2021 HOA Budget
December 19, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Monthly assessments will be:
Household of 0: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $0 Resource Usage Fee = $120 Monthly Total
Household of 1: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $55 Resource Usage Fee = $175 Monthly Total
Household of 2: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $110 Resource Usage Fee = $230 Monthly Total
Household of 3: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $166 Resource Usage Fee = $286 Monthly Total
Household of 4: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $221 Resource Usage Fee = $341 Monthly Total
Household of 5: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $276 Resource Usage Fee = $396 Monthly Total
Household of 6: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $332 Resource Usage Fee = $452 Monthly Total
It is estimated that this will generate a 12 month total of approximately $69,000.
Consistent with the Operating section of the Budget spreadsheet dated 12/08/20 (above), the total 2021 Operating Uses budget will be $50,172. Specific team Operating budgets are detailed in the spreadsheet. Teams are authorized to spend their Operating budgets as they decide consistent with their responsibilities listed in our Teams agreement.
The following Extraordinary Spending is authorized for 2021 (see detailed notes below):
P2TF - Fire Mitigation: Heartwood Lane & P1 $20,360
CFT - Tie Into BSD - Feasibility Stage $3,000
Total $23,360
C1 Team or task force with spending authorization is indicated.
C2 Spending authorization is effective immediately and ends on December 31, 2021, unless otherwise noted.
C3 Extraordinary Spending is to be consistent with the Extraordinary Spending Request submitted and this proposal.
C4 The Extraordinary Spending for P2TF - Fire Mitigation: Heartwood Lane & P1 ($20,360) may be used as matching funds for any grant we receive related to fire mitigation along Heartwood Lane and around the P1 cluster. The authorization will end on December 31, 2023.
C5 The Extraordinary Spending for CFT - Tie Into BSD - Feasibility Stage ($3,000) will be paid for by an anonymous private donation. That donation will only be made to the extent of the actual spending for the Tie Into BSD - Feasibility Stage.
Annual funding for the CFT - Pathways Planning Reserve will increase from $0 per year to $9500 per year. Annual funding of $9500 will continue until the balance of that Planning Reserve reaches $75,000.
The LST - Utility Task Vehicle (UTV) Planning Reserve will receive annual funding of $1000 beginning in 2021 until the balance of that Planning Reserve reaches $8000. If we buy a UTV with grant money, the Planning Reserve will be eliminated.
Annual contribution to Team Reserves will be $3100 in 2021. This is in addition to operating profits that automatically get added to Team Reserves at yearend.
We will pay back $3465 of the Water Well #5 Loan.
The Extraordinary Spending for P2TF - Fire Mitigation: Heartwood Lane & P1 ($20,360) will be funded by borrowing from our various reserves up to a total borrowing of $20,140.
December 19, 2020
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Monthly assessments will be:
Household of 0: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $0 Resource Usage Fee = $120 Monthly Total
Household of 1: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $55 Resource Usage Fee = $175 Monthly Total
Household of 2: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $110 Resource Usage Fee = $230 Monthly Total
Household of 3: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $166 Resource Usage Fee = $286 Monthly Total
Household of 4: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $221 Resource Usage Fee = $341 Monthly Total
Household of 5: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $276 Resource Usage Fee = $396 Monthly Total
Household of 6: $120 Homeowners’ Assessment + $332 Resource Usage Fee = $452 Monthly Total
It is estimated that this will generate a 12 month total of approximately $69,000.
Consistent with the Operating section of the Budget spreadsheet dated 12/08/20 (above), the total 2021 Operating Uses budget will be $50,172. Specific team Operating budgets are detailed in the spreadsheet. Teams are authorized to spend their Operating budgets as they decide consistent with their responsibilities listed in our Teams agreement.
The following Extraordinary Spending is authorized for 2021 (see detailed notes below):
P2TF - Fire Mitigation: Heartwood Lane & P1 $20,360
CFT - Tie Into BSD - Feasibility Stage $3,000
Total $23,360
C1 Team or task force with spending authorization is indicated.
C2 Spending authorization is effective immediately and ends on December 31, 2021, unless otherwise noted.
C3 Extraordinary Spending is to be consistent with the Extraordinary Spending Request submitted and this proposal.
C4 The Extraordinary Spending for P2TF - Fire Mitigation: Heartwood Lane & P1 ($20,360) may be used as matching funds for any grant we receive related to fire mitigation along Heartwood Lane and around the P1 cluster. The authorization will end on December 31, 2023.
C5 The Extraordinary Spending for CFT - Tie Into BSD - Feasibility Stage ($3,000) will be paid for by an anonymous private donation. That donation will only be made to the extent of the actual spending for the Tie Into BSD - Feasibility Stage.
Annual funding for the CFT - Pathways Planning Reserve will increase from $0 per year to $9500 per year. Annual funding of $9500 will continue until the balance of that Planning Reserve reaches $75,000.
The LST - Utility Task Vehicle (UTV) Planning Reserve will receive annual funding of $1000 beginning in 2021 until the balance of that Planning Reserve reaches $8000. If we buy a UTV with grant money, the Planning Reserve will be eliminated.
Annual contribution to Team Reserves will be $3100 in 2021. This is in addition to operating profits that automatically get added to Team Reserves at yearend.
We will pay back $3465 of the Water Well #5 Loan.
The Extraordinary Spending for P2TF - Fire Mitigation: Heartwood Lane & P1 ($20,360) will be funded by borrowing from our various reserves up to a total borrowing of $20,140.