2022 Steering Team Slate
March 2, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
The 2022 Steering Team Slate will be the same as last year:
March 2, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
The 2022 Steering Team Slate will be the same as last year:
- Robert Michael Weinbaum Walker
- Ronda Sue Ramsier
- Nisargo Martina Troy
- Kaitlin Maria Miller
Fire Tarps for Carports
March 4, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Authorize the Fire Mitigation TF to use up to $2200 of Carport Roofs & Gutters Team Reserve to purchase fire resistant tarps and related mounting hardware, and to install one such in each of the current 32 private carports. The spending authorization will be effective immediately and will expire on 12/31/22.
Revise the name of the Carport Roofs & Gutters Team Reserve to the Carport Roofs, Gutters, & Fire Tarps Team Reserve.
March 4, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Authorize the Fire Mitigation TF to use up to $2200 of Carport Roofs & Gutters Team Reserve to purchase fire resistant tarps and related mounting hardware, and to install one such in each of the current 32 private carports. The spending authorization will be effective immediately and will expire on 12/31/22.
Revise the name of the Carport Roofs & Gutters Team Reserve to the Carport Roofs, Gutters, & Fire Tarps Team Reserve.
Paying HW Members for Work on Recreating Irrigation Systems
April 29, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Pay Jack and probably one other HW member for their labor to replace the irrigation systems the Pine River Ditch company is requiring. Through this approval PAT is given the authority to choose the other laborer. (Anyone wanting to do this labor please let PAT know.) Total number of hours is currently unknown but likely more than 40 and less than 80. Paying $20/hr.
April 29, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Pay Jack and probably one other HW member for their labor to replace the irrigation systems the Pine River Ditch company is requiring. Through this approval PAT is given the authority to choose the other laborer. (Anyone wanting to do this labor please let PAT know.) Total number of hours is currently unknown but likely more than 40 and less than 80. Paying $20/hr.
Budget & Assessments Agreement Revision - Contingency Fund Allocations
June 1, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Replace the second sentence in the Spending section of the Budget & Assessments Agreement with the following:
The Steering team is authorized to allocate the Contingency Fund as it sees fit for the good of the community. They may allocate some or all of the Contingency Fund to a team that has incurred unexpected expenses and is therefore likely to spend more than their budget, even if the team has not yet spent the entire budget at the time of the request. This applies to a team’s Operating budget as well as Extraordinary Spending and Team Reserve budgets for which the team is responsible.
June 1, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Replace the second sentence in the Spending section of the Budget & Assessments Agreement with the following:
The Steering team is authorized to allocate the Contingency Fund as it sees fit for the good of the community. They may allocate some or all of the Contingency Fund to a team that has incurred unexpected expenses and is therefore likely to spend more than their budget, even if the team has not yet spent the entire budget at the time of the request. This applies to a team’s Operating budget as well as Extraordinary Spending and Team Reserve budgets for which the team is responsible.
Spending Authorization for P2 Related Projects
July 15, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
July 15, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
- Heartwood Ranch HOA will pay $85,000 to Tara Development for building the emergency access road, replacing ET bed #3, and retiring well #4. In accepting that payment, Tara Development agrees to release the HOA from any and all further financial claims, obligations, etc., related to the development of Heartwood Phase 2.
- Payment will be made to Tara Development when ground is broken for P2. Henceforth, Tara Development is solely responsible for the costs of building P2, and assumes all related liabilities.
- If it turns out that we do not need to build an emergency access, the community will make a new determination of the total amount to be paid.
- As decided on February 1, 2021, Phase 2 will pay $92,400 to Phase 1 to tie into the Phase 1 water system. The timing of those payments will be: $30,800 when the water system is hooked up and functional within P2 (builder can use P1 water for P2 construction); $30,800 after P2 gets a C.O. for the first P2 home completed; and $30,800 after P2 gets a C.O. for the eighth P2 home completed.
- If P2 does not get built, no payments will be made (neither the $85,000 nor the $92,400).
- Once payment is made, P1 is released from any further payment obligations related to the development of P2.
- Release specifically includes:
- Costs associated with building emergency access road, replacing ET bed #3, and retiring well #4.
- Costs due to the relocation of P1 utility lines due to the P2 development. For example, the septic line running to ET bed #2 and the water lines coming from wells #2 and #5.
- Cost of adding a pond liner to the middle pond to increase its holding capacity to allow for P2 to utilize the middle pond for the P2 cluster irrigation water system.
- Cost of pathway from P1 to P2.
- Cost of possible privacy/buffering fence on south side of east parking lot.
- Release specifically does not include:
- Ongoing work to revise covenants. Those costs are shared 24:14 between P1 and P2 per the P2 Agreement.
- Any possible work on P1 infrastructure that would not otherwise be affected by P2 development, but which P1 chooses to have done during P2 development. For example, making P1 septic lines consistent with septic regulations or upgrading the P1 cluster irrigation system.
- This agreement does not preclude additional cost sharing between P1 and P2 for mutually beneficial opportunities unforeseen at this time and not specifically addressed in this agreement.

2023 HOA Budget
October 15, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Monthly assessments will be:
Household of 0: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $0 Resource Usage Fee = $130 Monthly Total
Household of 1: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $61 Resource Usage Fee = $191 Monthly Total
Household of 2: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $123 Resource Usage Fee = $253 Monthly Total
Household of 3: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $184 Resource Usage Fee = $314 Monthly Total
Household of 4: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $245 Resource Usage Fee = $375 Monthly Total
Household of 5: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $306 Resource Usage Fee = $437 Monthly Total
Household of 6: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $368 Resource Usage Fee = $498 Monthly Total
It is estimated that this will generate a 12 month total of approximately $75,000.
Consistent with the Operating section of the Budget spreadsheet dated 10/04/22 (above), the total 2023 Operating Uses budget will be $54,417. Specific team Operating budgets are detailed in the spreadsheet. Teams are authorized to spend their Operating budgets as they decide consistent with their responsibilities listed in our Teams agreement.
The following Extraordinary Spending is authorized for 2023 (see detailed notes below):
CFT - Water Tank Interior and Exterior $35,000
LST - Stabilize East Bank of Middle Pond $5,000
CFT - Expand ET Bed 1 $65,000
Total $105,000
C1 Team or task force with spending authorization is indicated.
C2 Spending authorization is effective immediately and ends on December 31, 2023, unless otherwise noted.
C3 Extraordinary Spending is to be consistent with the Extraordinary Spending Request submitted and this proposal.
C4 The authorization deadline for CFT - Expand ET Bed 1 will be December 31, 2024. The authorization deadline for CRTF - Covenants Revision will be extended to December 31, 2025.
Annual contribution to Team Reserves will be $0 in 2023. This is in addition to operating profits that automatically get added to Team Reserves at yearend.
We will use funding from the following Planning Reserves:
LST - Cluster Irrigation Upgrade $2,000
CFT - Water Tank - Interior Coating $28,500
CFT - ET Bed Repair or Replacement $41,000
Total $71,500
We will revise the CFT - Water Tank - Interior Coating Planning Reserve. The revised annual funding will be $2000 with a revised Reserve Cap of $40,000.
We will pay back $0 of the Water Well #5 Loan and $0 of the UTV Loan. We will create a new internal loan to pay for CFT - Expand ET Bed 1 to the extent that the spending for that project exceeds $42,000. The maximum loan amount will be $23,000.
October 15, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Monthly assessments will be:
Household of 0: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $0 Resource Usage Fee = $130 Monthly Total
Household of 1: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $61 Resource Usage Fee = $191 Monthly Total
Household of 2: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $123 Resource Usage Fee = $253 Monthly Total
Household of 3: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $184 Resource Usage Fee = $314 Monthly Total
Household of 4: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $245 Resource Usage Fee = $375 Monthly Total
Household of 5: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $306 Resource Usage Fee = $437 Monthly Total
Household of 6: $130 Homeowners’ Assessment + $368 Resource Usage Fee = $498 Monthly Total
It is estimated that this will generate a 12 month total of approximately $75,000.
Consistent with the Operating section of the Budget spreadsheet dated 10/04/22 (above), the total 2023 Operating Uses budget will be $54,417. Specific team Operating budgets are detailed in the spreadsheet. Teams are authorized to spend their Operating budgets as they decide consistent with their responsibilities listed in our Teams agreement.
The following Extraordinary Spending is authorized for 2023 (see detailed notes below):
CFT - Water Tank Interior and Exterior $35,000
LST - Stabilize East Bank of Middle Pond $5,000
CFT - Expand ET Bed 1 $65,000
Total $105,000
C1 Team or task force with spending authorization is indicated.
C2 Spending authorization is effective immediately and ends on December 31, 2023, unless otherwise noted.
C3 Extraordinary Spending is to be consistent with the Extraordinary Spending Request submitted and this proposal.
C4 The authorization deadline for CFT - Expand ET Bed 1 will be December 31, 2024. The authorization deadline for CRTF - Covenants Revision will be extended to December 31, 2025.
Annual contribution to Team Reserves will be $0 in 2023. This is in addition to operating profits that automatically get added to Team Reserves at yearend.
We will use funding from the following Planning Reserves:
LST - Cluster Irrigation Upgrade $2,000
CFT - Water Tank - Interior Coating $28,500
CFT - ET Bed Repair or Replacement $41,000
Total $71,500
We will revise the CFT - Water Tank - Interior Coating Planning Reserve. The revised annual funding will be $2000 with a revised Reserve Cap of $40,000.
We will pay back $0 of the Water Well #5 Loan and $0 of the UTV Loan. We will create a new internal loan to pay for CFT - Expand ET Bed 1 to the extent that the spending for that project exceeds $42,000. The maximum loan amount will be $23,000.
Temporary Change to Community Meals Agreement
November 19, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Make a provisional change to our Community Meals Agreement. We will have one year to evaluate the positives and negatives of eliminating the need to cook or clean-up if eating at common meals. The Common House Team is in agreement with this temporary change. Here is the notation of the temporary change:
In November of 2022, the community decided to conduct a one year trial of removing the requirement for common meal cooking or clean-up for anyone eating more than one common meal per month. Some think that removing this requirement will increase participation in eating and preparing meals; others think it might decrease motivation for cooking and clean-up. We will reassess in November of 2023.
November 19, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Make a provisional change to our Community Meals Agreement. We will have one year to evaluate the positives and negatives of eliminating the need to cook or clean-up if eating at common meals. The Common House Team is in agreement with this temporary change. Here is the notation of the temporary change:
In November of 2022, the community decided to conduct a one year trial of removing the requirement for common meal cooking or clean-up for anyone eating more than one common meal per month. Some think that removing this requirement will increase participation in eating and preparing meals; others think it might decrease motivation for cooking and clean-up. We will reassess in November of 2023.
Revisions to Community Work Agreement
November 19, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Change our Community Work Agreement regarding community work hours. Added language in red, as well as removal of the entire Common Meal Participation section.
Community Work and Participation System
The community maintains a Community Work and Participation System that is designed to get the necessary work of the community done. Work related to various hobbies or private enterprises that members may choose to participate in is not covered by the work system.
All adult resident members (18+) are expected to contribute a minimum of 25 hours of work per quarter (three months). These hours may include meetings (community, team, hearts, or task force); work parties; time spent preparing or cleaning up after common meals; and any work done at any time for any team. Tracking hours is an individual’s responsibility, on the honor system. A member may choose to pay someone else to fulfill all or part of their 25 hour quarterly quota.
All adult resident members are expected to be a member of, or contribute to, at least one Heartwood team or task force (see our Teams Agreement). Members are expected to commit to any team(s) they join for at least one year, and may remain a member of any team indefinitely (with the exception of the Steering Team, which has a 4 year term limit). New members have up to 3 months to choose a team to join.
Children and teens are highly encouraged to contribute to the work and care of our community. Work parties are a great opportunity for people of all ages to contribute, and all teams welcome kid and teen participation.
Teams are responsible for making sure that the work for which they have authority and responsibility gets done. Teams can choose how to get the work done, how to distribute and delegate responsibility, how to track what’s getting done and what needs to get done, how to manage accountability among team members, etc. Teams are responsible for communicating work needs within the team as well as to the community as a whole when appropriate (e.g. work parties).
Once a member volunteers for a job, they are expected to get the job done. They are free, however, to find someone else to do the job and they are free to make whatever arrangements with that person they agree upon (including monetary). If the member can’t perform the work and can’t find someone else to do it, they are expected to inform the person or team in charge of the work at the earliest opportunity.
Common Meal Participation System
Common Meal work participation is separate from the Community Work and Participation System. Work done in one system does not count toward the other.
For more information about the Common Meal work participation , please see the Community Meals Agreement and the Community Meals Guidelines.
November 19, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Change our Community Work Agreement regarding community work hours. Added language in red, as well as removal of the entire Common Meal Participation section.
Community Work and Participation System
The community maintains a Community Work and Participation System that is designed to get the necessary work of the community done. Work related to various hobbies or private enterprises that members may choose to participate in is not covered by the work system.
All adult resident members (18+) are expected to contribute a minimum of 25 hours of work per quarter (three months). These hours may include meetings (community, team, hearts, or task force); work parties; time spent preparing or cleaning up after common meals; and any work done at any time for any team. Tracking hours is an individual’s responsibility, on the honor system. A member may choose to pay someone else to fulfill all or part of their 25 hour quarterly quota.
All adult resident members are expected to be a member of, or contribute to, at least one Heartwood team or task force (see our Teams Agreement). Members are expected to commit to any team(s) they join for at least one year, and may remain a member of any team indefinitely (with the exception of the Steering Team, which has a 4 year term limit). New members have up to 3 months to choose a team to join.
Children and teens are highly encouraged to contribute to the work and care of our community. Work parties are a great opportunity for people of all ages to contribute, and all teams welcome kid and teen participation.
Teams are responsible for making sure that the work for which they have authority and responsibility gets done. Teams can choose how to get the work done, how to distribute and delegate responsibility, how to track what’s getting done and what needs to get done, how to manage accountability among team members, etc. Teams are responsible for communicating work needs within the team as well as to the community as a whole when appropriate (e.g. work parties).
Once a member volunteers for a job, they are expected to get the job done. They are free, however, to find someone else to do the job and they are free to make whatever arrangements with that person they agree upon (including monetary). If the member can’t perform the work and can’t find someone else to do it, they are expected to inform the person or team in charge of the work at the earliest opportunity.
Common Meal Participation System
Common Meal work participation is separate from the Community Work and Participation System. Work done in one system does not count toward the other.
For more information about the Common Meal work participation , please see the Community Meals Agreement and the Community Meals Guidelines.
Adding Jeff Walker to the 2022 Steering Team
November 26, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Jeff Walker will be added to the current Steering Team for the remainder of 2022.
November 26, 2022
Posted Decision
We approved by consensus the following proposal:
Jeff Walker will be added to the current Steering Team for the remainder of 2022.