Posted 12/29/20
Planning to sell your Heartwood home? Please consider a financial gratuity donation.
Selling your home is a stressful, time consuming and laborious process, even in the best real estate market. At Heartwood, a home sale is even more complex considering that a seller is selling not just a home, but ‘cohousing’ and specifically, Heartwood as a community.
Based on 20 years of experience, the community has found that using outside real estate agents to help sell homes here doesn’t often result in a sale.
The Heartwood Membership Team is your built-in marketing group that helps you sell your home. Please consider a financial gratuity donation to the community, in support of our efforts to help members sell their homes. How does the Membership Team help you sell your home?
The Membership Team:
Your post-sale donation of 1%-3% of the sale price—or anything you’re comfortable with—is a very small way to support the community and the work we do to support all of our members and our extended community, especially considering the money you’re likely to save by not paying up to 6% of the sale price to real estate agent commissions.
Contact any member of the Membership Team for more information. Thank you for your consideration and in community,
The Heartwood Membership Team
Planning to sell your Heartwood home? Please consider a financial gratuity donation.
Selling your home is a stressful, time consuming and laborious process, even in the best real estate market. At Heartwood, a home sale is even more complex considering that a seller is selling not just a home, but ‘cohousing’ and specifically, Heartwood as a community.
Based on 20 years of experience, the community has found that using outside real estate agents to help sell homes here doesn’t often result in a sale.
The Heartwood Membership Team is your built-in marketing group that helps you sell your home. Please consider a financial gratuity donation to the community, in support of our efforts to help members sell their homes. How does the Membership Team help you sell your home?
The Membership Team:
- The team works very closely with other HW teams and, more than any other group or team, truly has the pulse of the community—and potential buyers.
- Operates, maintains and updates on a regular basis the Heartwood website,, which includes a goldmine of resources about Heartwood. The site is regularly mentioned as being one of the best cohousing websites in the country. The website is Heartwood’s #1 marketing tool.
- Maintains and updates the “What’s Available” pages for home sales and rentals at no charge to sellers. It’s one of the most visited pages on the website.
- Maintains a database of all inquiries from the website through the “Get in Touch” button on every page. This inquiry database, which consists of people that are extremely interested in Heartwood, receives the Heartwood Happenings newsletter with news from the community, including a listing of available properties.
- Provides potential buyers a HW phone contact and email contact to answer questions and help them with their exploration of the community.
- Maintains community listings at the Cohousing Association website, the Intentional Communities website, and the Global Ecovillage Network website promoting the Heartwood Cohousing community.
- Pays for and manages a long-standing display ad on the website, which has been successful in bringing viewers to the Heartwood website.
- Maintains and manages the online HW visitor calendar and recruits and assigns enthusiastic hosts, allowing for a smooth and seamless visitor experience.
- Manages, recruits, trains and assigns “buddies” to those involved in the membership process, providing a personal experience during the process and for six months beyond.
Your post-sale donation of 1%-3% of the sale price—or anything you’re comfortable with—is a very small way to support the community and the work we do to support all of our members and our extended community, especially considering the money you’re likely to save by not paying up to 6% of the sale price to real estate agent commissions.
Contact any member of the Membership Team for more information. Thank you for your consideration and in community,
The Heartwood Membership Team