To Communicate With Integrity
I agree to tell my truth, with compassion for myself and others, and to trust that others are doing the same.
To Listen With My Heart
I agree to listen respectfully to the communications of others and attune to their deepest meaning.
To Own My Feelings
I agree to take responsibility for my feelings and how I react to the words and actions of others. And I agree to express those feelings in a spirit of openness and compassion.
To Honor Each Person’s Process
I agree to acknowledge that everyone, including myself, is making the best possible choice or decision we are capable of at that moment.
To Express Appreciation
I agree to appreciate others and myself.
To Cooperate with Others
I agree to maintain a sense of cooperation and caring in my interactions with others.
To Honor Our Differences
I understand that goals are often the same even though methods for achieving them may differ.
To Be Aware of Conflict
I agree to look for the unresolved issues within me that create a disproportionate adverse reaction to another’s behavior.
To Resolve Conflicts Constructively
I agree to take problems and complaints to the person(s) with whom I can resolve them, at the earliest opportunity. I agree not to criticize or complain to someone who cannot do something about my complaint, and I will redirect others to do the same. I will not say behind someone’s back what I am not willing to say to their face.
To Maintain Harmony
I agree to take the time to establish rapport with others and then to reconnect with anyone with whom I feel out of harmony as soon as it is appropriate.
To Freely Participate
I agree to freely choose and re-choose to participate in the Heartwood Cohousing Community. It is my choice.
To Lighten Up!
I agree to allow fun and joy in my relationships, my work, and my life.
(Note: These Interpersonal Agreements are based in large part on those of Geneva Community.)
I agree to tell my truth, with compassion for myself and others, and to trust that others are doing the same.
To Listen With My Heart
I agree to listen respectfully to the communications of others and attune to their deepest meaning.
To Own My Feelings
I agree to take responsibility for my feelings and how I react to the words and actions of others. And I agree to express those feelings in a spirit of openness and compassion.
To Honor Each Person’s Process
I agree to acknowledge that everyone, including myself, is making the best possible choice or decision we are capable of at that moment.
To Express Appreciation
I agree to appreciate others and myself.
To Cooperate with Others
I agree to maintain a sense of cooperation and caring in my interactions with others.
To Honor Our Differences
I understand that goals are often the same even though methods for achieving them may differ.
To Be Aware of Conflict
I agree to look for the unresolved issues within me that create a disproportionate adverse reaction to another’s behavior.
To Resolve Conflicts Constructively
I agree to take problems and complaints to the person(s) with whom I can resolve them, at the earliest opportunity. I agree not to criticize or complain to someone who cannot do something about my complaint, and I will redirect others to do the same. I will not say behind someone’s back what I am not willing to say to their face.
To Maintain Harmony
I agree to take the time to establish rapport with others and then to reconnect with anyone with whom I feel out of harmony as soon as it is appropriate.
To Freely Participate
I agree to freely choose and re-choose to participate in the Heartwood Cohousing Community. It is my choice.
To Lighten Up!
I agree to allow fun and joy in my relationships, my work, and my life.
(Note: These Interpersonal Agreements are based in large part on those of Geneva Community.)
Revised 01/07/99