Steering Team
Revised 11/10/08
The Location Suitability Guidelines are intended to help determine the best location for activities and structures in the vicinity of the cluster. (See Cluster Vicinity Map at the end of this document.)
Location Suitability Criteria
Negative Impacts
Positive Impacts
Proximity to HomesCompatibility with Nearby Activities(Does the activity bring ease and synergy? Does it create conflict?)
Location Suitability Guidelines by Area
When considering where to locate an activity or structure, please refer to the suitability guidelines for each area below.
Area: A1 – Cluster (private lots, VG, & CH)
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common House, Common Facilities
Resources: Well water, irrigation water, solar, electricity, mostly flat, road access, (mostly) easy to access by foot and cart, handicap accessible from paths. The only area with proximity to central pathway life. Safety enhanced because easy to see and hear what’s going on.
Negative Impact Considerations: Very minimal or no noise, odor, privacy intrusion, or visual impacts acceptable. Forest destruction not an issue. Minimal road traffic impact acceptable; some impact already exists for west end. Interruption of use as living space is not acceptable. Interference with drainage is an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: This is the heart of the community so anything that brings beauty, peace, or pleasure or promotes social interaction would be most appropriate.
Proximity to Homes: Extremely close (0 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Living, strolling, playing, eating, gardening, poultry.
Possible Future Activities: More gardening, more shade trees, alternative energy production, school (in CH), sauna, solar outhouses, library (in CH), B & B.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: B1 – North of East Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: Possible well water, possible irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, mostly flat, road access. Foot access, cart access (mostly).
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion or visual impacts less of an issue because of forest buffer. Forest destruction somewhat of an issue. Road traffic impact could be an issue because of proximity to homes; some road traffic impact exists already. Interference with drainage somewhat of an issue because of existing drainage channel.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from road. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: None.
Possible Future Activities: Gardening, more parking, more carports, swimming pool, root cellar/food storage, trees, alternative energy production.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: B2 – South of East Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common House
Resources: Possible well water, possible irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, somewhat flat, road access. Foot access, cart access (some). A few select areas have proximity to pathway life.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts less of an issue because of forest buffer. Forest destruction somewhat of an issue. Road traffic impact is minimal issue. Interruption of clothesline use is an issue. Interference with drainage somewhat of an issue because of potential for flooding common house.
Positive Impact Considerations: Very visible from “Y” in road — first impression of cluster. Beauty strongly encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Clothesline.
Possible Future Activities: Gardening, more parking, more carports, swimming pool, root cellar/food storage, trees, alternative energy production.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: B3 – East of Visitor Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: Possible well water, possible irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, somewhat flat, road access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise, odor, or visual impacts acceptable because of proximity of visitor parking. Privacy intrusion or road traffic are less of an issue because of forest buffer and not too close to homes. Forest destruction is an issue. Interference with drainage somewhat of an issue because of existing drainage channel.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from road and visitor parking. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (200 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Private resource (stuff) storage.
Possible Future Activities: Gardening, more parking, more carports, sauna, solar outhouses, root cellar/food storage, trees, climbing wall.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: Private resource (stuff) storage because it’s unsightly.
Area: B4 – South of Visitor Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: Possible well water, no irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, not too flat, road access. Foot access, some cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise, odor, or visual impacts acceptable because of proximity of visitor parking. Privacy intrusion less of an issue because of forest buffer and not too close to homes. Forest destruction is an issue. Road traffic impact is minimal issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from visitor parking. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (200 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Community resource pile, tractor & implement storage, trail.
Possible Future Activities: More parking.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: Tractor & implement storage because it takes up parking spaces, is unsightly, and is an attractive nuisance to kids.
Area: B5 – West of Visitor Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: Well water, no irrigation water, solar, electricity, mostly flat, road access, workshop, concrete pad. Foot access, some cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise, odor, privacy intrusion, or visual impacts acceptable because of proximity of homes and visitor parking. Forest destruction is an issue. Road traffic could be an issue because of proximity to homes.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from road and visitor parking. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Workshop, skateboard ramps, trail, community storage in Bodega, and community and private storage in Boardroom.
Possible Future Activities: School, office suites, library, swimming pool, climbing wall, health center, cottage industries, Office suites, B & B.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: Workshop and skateboard ramps because of noise and visual impacts on homes.
Area: B6 – South of West Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: No well water, no irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, mostly sloped, road access, foot access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise, odor, privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts acceptable because of proximity of homes. Forest destruction is an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from road. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Loop trail.
Possible Future Activities: More parking, more carports, root cellar/food storage
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: B7 – West of West Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: Well water, irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, somewhat flat, seasonal road access, foot access, some cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise, odor, privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts acceptable because of proximity of homes. Forest destruction is an issue. Interference with drainage is an issue because of existing major drainage channel.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from homes. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Orchard, Loop trail.
Possible Future Activities: Gardening, trees,
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: B8 – Forest Behind Interior Homes
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: Limited well water, no irrigation water, solar, limited electricity, mostly sloped, limited seasonal road access, foot access, limited cart access via paths.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts less of an issue because of forest buffer. Forest destruction is an issue. Interruption of current is an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: None.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 800 ft).
Current Activities: Hot tub, pump house, water tank trail.
Possible Future Activities: Sauna
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: B9 – Northeast of North Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: Possible well water, possible irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, somewhat flat, road access, foot access, no cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts less of an issue because of forest buffer. Forest destruction is an issue. Interference with drainage is an issue because of existing drainage channel.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from road. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 1000 ft).
Current Activities: None.
Possible Future Activities: More parking, more carports, school, library, health center, Office suites, cottage industries, B & B
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C1 – Greenhouse
Team(s) Responsible: Garden & Greenhouse, Common Facilities
Resources: Well water, irrigation water, solar, electricity, flat, road access, foot and cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is somewhat of an issue. Interruption of current use is an issue. Interference with drainage is a minor issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: Somewhat visible from road. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Close (300 ft – 1000 ft).
Current Activities: Greenhouse, hen palace, ET bed.
Possible Future Activities: More gardens, trees, small farm animals, school, office suites, swimming pool, health center, cottage industries, Office suites, B & B, workshop, auto shop, sauna, solar outhouses, alternative energy production, climbing wall, skate park
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C2 – Playing Field
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: No well water, possible irrigation water, solar, no electricity, mostly flat, road access, foot and cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise, road traffic, or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is somewhat of an issue. Interruption of current use is a minor issue. Interference with drainage is not an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from road. Beauty encouraged. Intended to promote social interaction (team sports, games).
Proximity to Homes: Close (200 ft – 800 ft).
Current Activities: Playing field.
Possible Future Activities: Gardens, school, library, office suites, swimming pool, solar outhouses, climbing wall, skate park.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C3 – Sledding Hill
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: No well water, no irrigation water, poor solar, no electricity, steep north facing slope, minimal road access, foot access, minimal cart access via paths.
Negative Impact Considerations: Noise, odor, privacy intrusion, or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue. Road traffic is a minor issue. Interruption of current use is an issue only during sledding season. Interference with drainage is an issue because of existing major drainage channel(s).
Positive Impact Considerations: None.
Proximity to Homes: Not so close (500 ft – 1300 ft).
Current Activities: Sledding hill.
Possible Future Activities: Rope tow.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C4 – Yurt
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common House
Resources: No well water, no irrigation water, solar, no electricity, gentle south facing slope, limited seasonal road access, foot and cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise, road traffic, or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue. Interruption of current use is an issue (i.e. if the yurt were rendered unusable). Interference with drainage is an issue because of existing major drainage channel(s).
Positive Impact Considerations: Yurt is generally used for social gatherings.
Proximity to Homes: Close (200 ft – 1000 ft).
Current Activities: Yurt, Loop trail.
Possible Future Activities: ???
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C5 – North of Yurt
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: No well water, no irrigation water, solar, no electricity, gentle south facing slope, limited seasonal road access, foot access, minimal cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise, road traffic, or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue. Interruption of current use and interference with drainage are not an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: None.
Proximity to Homes: Close (200 ft – 1000 ft).
Current Activities: Loop trail.
Possible Future Activities: Alternative energy production
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C6 – Bon Fire Circle
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: Well water, no irrigation water, solar, no electricity, mix of flat and slope, limited seasonal road access, foot and cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise, road traffic or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue. Interruption of current use is not an issue. Interference with drainage is an issue because this area is above a steep slope that ends in back yards.
Positive Impact Considerations: Bon fire circle is intended for social gatherings.
Proximity to Homes: Close (200 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Bon fire circle, ceremonial circle, water tank trail.
Possible Future Activities: ???
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C7 – North Pond
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: No well water, possible irrigation water, solar, no electricity, somewhat flat, limited road access, foot access, no cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue. Interruption of current use (irrigation system) is an issue. Interference with drainage is an issue because of existing drainage channel(s).
Positive Impact Considerations: None.
Proximity to Homes: Close (200 ft – 1000 ft).
Current Activities: North pond.
Possible Future Activities: Expanded pond, swimming hole, small animals/livestock,
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C8 – Tennis Court
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: No well water, possible irrigation water, solar, no electricity, somewhat flat, road access, foot and cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Noise, odor, privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is somewhat of an issue. Interruption of current use is an issue. Interference with drainage could be an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: None.
Proximity to Homes: Not so close (500 ft – 1400 ft).
Current Activities: Tennis, basketball, ET bed (decommissioned).
Possible Future Activities: Climbing wall, skate park
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C9 – North of Greenhouse
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Garden & Greenhouse
Resources: No well water, possible irrigation water, solar, no electricity, gentle south facing slope, road access, foot and some cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise, road traffic, or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is somewhat of an issue. Interruption of current use and interference with drainage are not an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: Somewhat visible from road. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Somewhat close (400 ft – 1300 ft).
Current Activities: None.
Possible Future Activities: Gardens, trees, small farm animals, school, library, office suites, health center, cottage industries, B & B, intern housing, affordable housing, group housing, workshop, auto shop
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: D1 – Forest Preserve
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: No well water, limited possible irrigation water, solar, no electricity, mix of flat and slope, foot access, road access in places.
Negative Impact Considerations: Noise, odor, privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue in places. Interference with drainage is an issue in places.
Positive Impact Considerations: Some places visible from road and trails. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Mostly not so close (200 ft – 1700 ft).
Current Activities: Various trails, private resource (stuff) storage along King’s Hwy.
Possible Future Activities: Green cemetery, landfill, more ET beds, more trails, workshop, auto shop, intern housing, affordable housing, group housing, Kings Hwy earth homes
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: Private resource (stuff) storage along King’s Hwy because it’s unsightly.
Area: D2 – North of Pasture (not including below irrigation ditch)
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Pasture & Ag
Resources: No well water, limited irrigation water, solar, no electricity, mostly flat, road access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Noise, odor, privacy intrusion, or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue in places.
Positive Impact Considerations: Some places visible from road. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Mostly not so close (600 ft – 1700 ft).
Current Activities: Cougar trail and farm implement and pasture materials storage, round pen for horses
Possible Future Activities: Barn, small animals/livestock, large animals/livestock (pens)
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Cluster Vicinity Map
Revised 11/10/08
The Location Suitability Guidelines are intended to help determine the best location for activities and structures in the vicinity of the cluster. (See Cluster Vicinity Map at the end of this document.)
- When locating an activity or structure, consider all of the criteria listed under Location Suitability Criteria. For a structure, consider the criteria for the entire life of the structure: construction (including staging of equipment and materials), useful life, and possible removal.
- For any locations being considered, find the area designation on the Cluster Vicinity Map.
- Read the discussion of criteria considerations for those areas in the Location Suitability Guidelines by Area.
- Consider whether the proposed location allows for possible future mitigation of negative impacts.
- Consider whether the proposed activity or structure is the optimal present or future use of the particular location.
Location Suitability Criteria
- well water
- irrigation water
- solar
- electricity
- flat or sloped ground (drainage)
- access (road, foot, cart, handicap)
- proximity to pathway life
- safety
- other
Negative Impacts
- noise
- odor
- privacy intrusion
- visual (including light pollution)
- forest destruction
- road traffic
- interruption of current use
- interference with drainage
- other
Positive Impacts
- visual
- promotes social interaction
- other
Proximity to HomesCompatibility with Nearby Activities(Does the activity bring ease and synergy? Does it create conflict?)
- present
- future (potential for spin-off activities)
Location Suitability Guidelines by Area
When considering where to locate an activity or structure, please refer to the suitability guidelines for each area below.
Area: A1 – Cluster (private lots, VG, & CH)
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common House, Common Facilities
Resources: Well water, irrigation water, solar, electricity, mostly flat, road access, (mostly) easy to access by foot and cart, handicap accessible from paths. The only area with proximity to central pathway life. Safety enhanced because easy to see and hear what’s going on.
Negative Impact Considerations: Very minimal or no noise, odor, privacy intrusion, or visual impacts acceptable. Forest destruction not an issue. Minimal road traffic impact acceptable; some impact already exists for west end. Interruption of use as living space is not acceptable. Interference with drainage is an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: This is the heart of the community so anything that brings beauty, peace, or pleasure or promotes social interaction would be most appropriate.
Proximity to Homes: Extremely close (0 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Living, strolling, playing, eating, gardening, poultry.
Possible Future Activities: More gardening, more shade trees, alternative energy production, school (in CH), sauna, solar outhouses, library (in CH), B & B.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: B1 – North of East Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: Possible well water, possible irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, mostly flat, road access. Foot access, cart access (mostly).
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion or visual impacts less of an issue because of forest buffer. Forest destruction somewhat of an issue. Road traffic impact could be an issue because of proximity to homes; some road traffic impact exists already. Interference with drainage somewhat of an issue because of existing drainage channel.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from road. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: None.
Possible Future Activities: Gardening, more parking, more carports, swimming pool, root cellar/food storage, trees, alternative energy production.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: B2 – South of East Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common House
Resources: Possible well water, possible irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, somewhat flat, road access. Foot access, cart access (some). A few select areas have proximity to pathway life.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts less of an issue because of forest buffer. Forest destruction somewhat of an issue. Road traffic impact is minimal issue. Interruption of clothesline use is an issue. Interference with drainage somewhat of an issue because of potential for flooding common house.
Positive Impact Considerations: Very visible from “Y” in road — first impression of cluster. Beauty strongly encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Clothesline.
Possible Future Activities: Gardening, more parking, more carports, swimming pool, root cellar/food storage, trees, alternative energy production.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: B3 – East of Visitor Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: Possible well water, possible irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, somewhat flat, road access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise, odor, or visual impacts acceptable because of proximity of visitor parking. Privacy intrusion or road traffic are less of an issue because of forest buffer and not too close to homes. Forest destruction is an issue. Interference with drainage somewhat of an issue because of existing drainage channel.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from road and visitor parking. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (200 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Private resource (stuff) storage.
Possible Future Activities: Gardening, more parking, more carports, sauna, solar outhouses, root cellar/food storage, trees, climbing wall.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: Private resource (stuff) storage because it’s unsightly.
Area: B4 – South of Visitor Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: Possible well water, no irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, not too flat, road access. Foot access, some cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise, odor, or visual impacts acceptable because of proximity of visitor parking. Privacy intrusion less of an issue because of forest buffer and not too close to homes. Forest destruction is an issue. Road traffic impact is minimal issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from visitor parking. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (200 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Community resource pile, tractor & implement storage, trail.
Possible Future Activities: More parking.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: Tractor & implement storage because it takes up parking spaces, is unsightly, and is an attractive nuisance to kids.
Area: B5 – West of Visitor Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: Well water, no irrigation water, solar, electricity, mostly flat, road access, workshop, concrete pad. Foot access, some cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise, odor, privacy intrusion, or visual impacts acceptable because of proximity of homes and visitor parking. Forest destruction is an issue. Road traffic could be an issue because of proximity to homes.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from road and visitor parking. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Workshop, skateboard ramps, trail, community storage in Bodega, and community and private storage in Boardroom.
Possible Future Activities: School, office suites, library, swimming pool, climbing wall, health center, cottage industries, Office suites, B & B.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: Workshop and skateboard ramps because of noise and visual impacts on homes.
Area: B6 – South of West Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: No well water, no irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, mostly sloped, road access, foot access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise, odor, privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts acceptable because of proximity of homes. Forest destruction is an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from road. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Loop trail.
Possible Future Activities: More parking, more carports, root cellar/food storage
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: B7 – West of West Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: Well water, irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, somewhat flat, seasonal road access, foot access, some cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise, odor, privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts acceptable because of proximity of homes. Forest destruction is an issue. Interference with drainage is an issue because of existing major drainage channel.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from homes. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Orchard, Loop trail.
Possible Future Activities: Gardening, trees,
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: B8 – Forest Behind Interior Homes
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: Limited well water, no irrigation water, solar, limited electricity, mostly sloped, limited seasonal road access, foot access, limited cart access via paths.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts less of an issue because of forest buffer. Forest destruction is an issue. Interruption of current is an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: None.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 800 ft).
Current Activities: Hot tub, pump house, water tank trail.
Possible Future Activities: Sauna
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: B9 – Northeast of North Parking Lot
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: Possible well water, possible irrigation water, solar, possible electricity, somewhat flat, road access, foot access, no cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Minimal noise or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts less of an issue because of forest buffer. Forest destruction is an issue. Interference with drainage is an issue because of existing drainage channel.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from road. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Very close (100 ft – 1000 ft).
Current Activities: None.
Possible Future Activities: More parking, more carports, school, library, health center, Office suites, cottage industries, B & B
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C1 – Greenhouse
Team(s) Responsible: Garden & Greenhouse, Common Facilities
Resources: Well water, irrigation water, solar, electricity, flat, road access, foot and cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is somewhat of an issue. Interruption of current use is an issue. Interference with drainage is a minor issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: Somewhat visible from road. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Close (300 ft – 1000 ft).
Current Activities: Greenhouse, hen palace, ET bed.
Possible Future Activities: More gardens, trees, small farm animals, school, office suites, swimming pool, health center, cottage industries, Office suites, B & B, workshop, auto shop, sauna, solar outhouses, alternative energy production, climbing wall, skate park
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C2 – Playing Field
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: No well water, possible irrigation water, solar, no electricity, mostly flat, road access, foot and cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise, road traffic, or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is somewhat of an issue. Interruption of current use is a minor issue. Interference with drainage is not an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: Visible from road. Beauty encouraged. Intended to promote social interaction (team sports, games).
Proximity to Homes: Close (200 ft – 800 ft).
Current Activities: Playing field.
Possible Future Activities: Gardens, school, library, office suites, swimming pool, solar outhouses, climbing wall, skate park.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C3 – Sledding Hill
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: No well water, no irrigation water, poor solar, no electricity, steep north facing slope, minimal road access, foot access, minimal cart access via paths.
Negative Impact Considerations: Noise, odor, privacy intrusion, or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue. Road traffic is a minor issue. Interruption of current use is an issue only during sledding season. Interference with drainage is an issue because of existing major drainage channel(s).
Positive Impact Considerations: None.
Proximity to Homes: Not so close (500 ft – 1300 ft).
Current Activities: Sledding hill.
Possible Future Activities: Rope tow.
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C4 – Yurt
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common House
Resources: No well water, no irrigation water, solar, no electricity, gentle south facing slope, limited seasonal road access, foot and cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise, road traffic, or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue. Interruption of current use is an issue (i.e. if the yurt were rendered unusable). Interference with drainage is an issue because of existing major drainage channel(s).
Positive Impact Considerations: Yurt is generally used for social gatherings.
Proximity to Homes: Close (200 ft – 1000 ft).
Current Activities: Yurt, Loop trail.
Possible Future Activities: ???
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C5 – North of Yurt
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: No well water, no irrigation water, solar, no electricity, gentle south facing slope, limited seasonal road access, foot access, minimal cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise, road traffic, or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue. Interruption of current use and interference with drainage are not an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: None.
Proximity to Homes: Close (200 ft – 1000 ft).
Current Activities: Loop trail.
Possible Future Activities: Alternative energy production
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C6 – Bon Fire Circle
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship
Resources: Well water, no irrigation water, solar, no electricity, mix of flat and slope, limited seasonal road access, foot and cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise, road traffic or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue. Interruption of current use is not an issue. Interference with drainage is an issue because this area is above a steep slope that ends in back yards.
Positive Impact Considerations: Bon fire circle is intended for social gatherings.
Proximity to Homes: Close (200 ft – 700 ft).
Current Activities: Bon fire circle, ceremonial circle, water tank trail.
Possible Future Activities: ???
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C7 – North Pond
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: No well water, possible irrigation water, solar, no electricity, somewhat flat, limited road access, foot access, no cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue. Interruption of current use (irrigation system) is an issue. Interference with drainage is an issue because of existing drainage channel(s).
Positive Impact Considerations: None.
Proximity to Homes: Close (200 ft – 1000 ft).
Current Activities: North pond.
Possible Future Activities: Expanded pond, swimming hole, small animals/livestock,
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C8 – Tennis Court
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: No well water, possible irrigation water, solar, no electricity, somewhat flat, road access, foot and cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Noise, odor, privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is somewhat of an issue. Interruption of current use is an issue. Interference with drainage could be an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: None.
Proximity to Homes: Not so close (500 ft – 1400 ft).
Current Activities: Tennis, basketball, ET bed (decommissioned).
Possible Future Activities: Climbing wall, skate park
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: C9 – North of Greenhouse
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Garden & Greenhouse
Resources: No well water, possible irrigation water, solar, no electricity, gentle south facing slope, road access, foot and some cart access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Some noise, road traffic, or odor impacts acceptable. Privacy intrusion or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is somewhat of an issue. Interruption of current use and interference with drainage are not an issue.
Positive Impact Considerations: Somewhat visible from road. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Somewhat close (400 ft – 1300 ft).
Current Activities: None.
Possible Future Activities: Gardens, trees, small farm animals, school, library, office suites, health center, cottage industries, B & B, intern housing, affordable housing, group housing, workshop, auto shop
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Area: D1 – Forest Preserve
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Common Facilities
Resources: No well water, limited possible irrigation water, solar, no electricity, mix of flat and slope, foot access, road access in places.
Negative Impact Considerations: Noise, odor, privacy intrusion, road traffic, or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue in places. Interference with drainage is an issue in places.
Positive Impact Considerations: Some places visible from road and trails. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Mostly not so close (200 ft – 1700 ft).
Current Activities: Various trails, private resource (stuff) storage along King’s Hwy.
Possible Future Activities: Green cemetery, landfill, more ET beds, more trails, workshop, auto shop, intern housing, affordable housing, group housing, Kings Hwy earth homes
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: Private resource (stuff) storage along King’s Hwy because it’s unsightly.
Area: D2 – North of Pasture (not including below irrigation ditch)
Team(s) Responsible: Land Stewardship, Pasture & Ag
Resources: No well water, limited irrigation water, solar, no electricity, mostly flat, road access.
Negative Impact Considerations: Noise, odor, privacy intrusion, or visual impacts not an issue because of forest buffer and distance. Forest destruction is an issue in places.
Positive Impact Considerations: Some places visible from road. Beauty encouraged.
Proximity to Homes: Mostly not so close (600 ft – 1700 ft).
Current Activities: Cougar trail and farm implement and pasture materials storage, round pen for horses
Possible Future Activities: Barn, small animals/livestock, large animals/livestock (pens)
Current Activities that Should Possibly be Relocated Elsewhere: None.
Cluster Vicinity Map