by Nisargo Troy The first buds are showing on the trees, a slight dusting of color returning to the tips of branches, some green here, some red there. Crocuses are almost blinding in their contrast to the still brown ground around them. The force of Mother Nature is pushing from the hidden folds of her being toward the explosion of spring we have come to trust in, no matter where we humans are in our own processes of unfolding. And we too are so ready to shed our protective layers after months of wearing heavy clothing! And then fresh snow surprises us, as if winter says: “Go and look IN one more time. There is more to attend to before you can step out into the light.” I welcome these last appearances of winter here in Colorado. Living in Cohousing is a constant invitation to look inside, to keep seeing what motivates us to act in certain ways, to think in certain ways and to be honest with ourselves in the best way possible so we can show up in the best way possible for our community. This winter has offered the opportunity to dive deep in so many ways. Self-governance within the principles of consensus, which attempts to find group unity through truth talking and deep listening, is challenging. It takes time. It can be painful. It tends to shine light into those dark corners within us we often wish we could leave untouched. But this is the work we, who live in Cohousing, all have signed up to do. It is necessary for true spring to arrive. Again and again. And then, after we have patiently waited in the deep dark of our winter and we have done our work, nature does not disappoint! Seemingly all of a sudden, there emerges such beauty! It takes my breath away, every time! And all throughout our hard labor in the dark season we have been infused by the love and trust of our children. Look at these lovely beings who now grace our community, living symbols of nature’s confidence in the evolving of wo-men-kind with eternal hope! We now have seven children who bless us daily with their laughter, their wonder about the world surrounding them and their growing trust in themselves. Their exuberance in taking charge of their lives is exhilarating! What a gift to see them grow and discover their world right here in our midst. The first group of children who grew up at Heartwood are all adults by now and have moved into their own lives. Some live far away, some stayed closer by. Comments are closed.
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January 2025