With our Land Use Map Amendment approval last night, things are looking very good in our county approval process. Lots of other good news to report, including being up to 20 Phase 2 Associate Members (see list below). Onward we go... Recent Progress The really big news is that last night we went before the County Planning Commission seeking approval for a Land Use Map Amendment which would make Phase 2 possible. We passed with flying colors! That was the the first big hurdle with County approval. We have two more to go – Conceptual Development Plan (CDP) and Preliminary Plat. Our hearing before the Planning Commission to consider our CDP application is scheduled for November 21. Everything is looking good so far. May it go as smoothly as last night. The Phase 2 Associate Members' chat group has been lively. Folks have been introducing themselves and we've begun sharing our hopes and dreams about what kind of homes we'd like to build. Our work together to shape our new community expansion has begun. Besides saving your spot in Phase 2 and your place in the lot and carport selection queue, getting to participate in shaping our Phase 2 planning and design is one of the key benefits of becoming a Phase 2 Associate Member. Click here for info on becoming an Associate Member. Speaking of which, we are now up to 20 P2 Associate Members. Welcome aboard May and Joyce! There are a thousand details involved in a real estate development of this magnitude and many of them are rather mundane, although completely necessary. Some recent progress:
The Path Ahead Besides preparing for our CDP hearing before the County Planning Commission in November, we are also working on determining where exactly on our 361 acres we will locate our ~3 acre Phase 2 cluster. We've got lots of choices. We are working to meet the following criteria:
We have also recently been working with our local internet provider. They assure me that we will be able to provide 50 mbps internet service to P2 homes. That's great news for future P2 residents who will work remotely, which is something that many P1 residents already do. As I mentioned above, the dreaming and planning has begun with the P2 Associate Members as we envision the homes we will build and live in. Within the next week I will release a survey for them to take so we can dive more deeply into their housing wants and needs. Every quarter I zoom out from my detailed work on Phase 2 and do some long range planning. Based on where we're at now and the practical imperative of building during the summer, it looks like aiming to begin Phase 2 construction during the spring of 2021 makes the most sense. There's a possibility that if everything in the universe aligns just right, we could be ready to build in the the summer of 2020, but as we all know, pretty much everything takes longer than we think it will, especially in the world of government approvals, design, and construction. When we built Phase 1, we had hoped to break ground in late spring, but because of the inevitable delays, we didn't break ground until the end of summer, which meant lots of construction going on through the winter – less than optimal (meaning more costly). This time around we will hopefully plan for those inevitable delays. If we shoot to have everything ready for construction by the end of 2020, that might give us a reasonable chance of actually being ready by the spring of 2021. Getting Involved If you're interested in a greater sense of peace and belonging in your life and a healthier lifestyle fostered by living in community and close to Nature, we invite you to get involved. If you'd like to come for a visit, click here to check out our Plan a Visit webpage or click here to send an email to Sandy. She can help you reserve one of our common house guest rooms. If you've been undecided about becoming an Associate Member, don't despair about the fact that we already have 20 Associate Member households. Once Full Equity Membership opens up and the $12,000 non-refundable deposit is required, there will certainly be some turnover. If you are seriously interested, we'd strongly encourage you to get in the Phase 2 queue by becoming an Associate Member. Chances are there will be room for you. Click here for info on becoming an Associate Member. As always, if you have any questions, simply reply to this email and let us know. We're happy to answer any and all questions. We've posted frequently asked questions on the Phase 2 page on our website. Yours in Community,
Mac Phase 2 Project Manager
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January 2025