Note: To make it easier to find the specific information you're looking for, the Teams Agreement has been broken up onto many webpages, but it is all one agreement. Click on a team link to the right to find that team's specific purpose, responsibilities, and authorities
Teams have responsibilities and authorities covering all of the major areas of community management such that very few decisions need to be made by the community as a whole. Teams are, however, encouraged to bring issues to the whole community if they think a better decision would result, even though the team may have the authority to make the decision on their own. A team decision that is expected to have a permanent impact on the land and community (e.g., building a structure) should be brought to the attention of the community, with sufficient time for community member input before the decision is made. From time to time issues will come up which are in a team’s area of general responsibility, but not addressed by any specific responsibility and authority listed below. In such instances, teams will exercise their best judgment (possibly in collaboration with the Steering team) to decide whether to resolve the issue on their own (Full Authority) or bring it to the whole community for resolution (Proposal Authority). Teams are created and dissolved and given their responsibilities and authorities by the community. Responsibility can only be given to a team along with the authority necessary to get the job done. The community always retains the power to withdraw responsibilities and authorities from a team. All members are expected to be a member of, or contribute to, at least one Heartwood team or task force. Except for the Steering Team, which is ‘elected’ by consensus decision each year, members may choose which team or task force to participate in. Members may choose when to join, leave, or switch teams. The number of members listed for each team, except the Steering Team, is only a guideline. Any community member may participate on a team or task force to work on an issue of special interest to them. Community members may be part of the consensus process for a team they are not normally on, as long as they participate in the entire decision-making process, including working through red cards following our Decision Making and Meetings Agreement. Some teams may require participation from specific individual members when those members’ personal, private or commercial endeavors have a large impact on the resources, activities, or assets for which the team is responsible. Teams select their own leaders at least once per year. A team leader may be reselected year after year. Teams make decisions in a manner consistent with our Decision Making and Meetings agreement. In addition to the specific responsibilities and authorities listed for each team, every team will also have responsibility to:
Definitions Team Has an unlimited duration (ongoing responsibility). Receives an annual budget from the community. Is given responsibilities and authorities by the community. Task Force Has a limited duration (project responsibility). Receives a budget from the Steering team out of the annual contingency. Is given responsibilities and authorities by the Steering team which are limited to: • Carrying out community decisions or agreements. • Researching issues and making proposals. Full Authority Team has authority to make decisions consistent with community agreements related to the stated responsibility. Proposal Authority Team does not have authority to make decisions related to the stated responsibility. They have authority to make a proposal to the community related to the stated responsibility. The authority to make the decision rests with the community. Revised 10/18/23
Click here to view a current list of who's on what team and to find out what work needs to be done and how you can help out.