To facilitate the community in living in accord with its Vision, Values, and Interpersonal Agreements and in accomplishing its Goals. Number of Members 4 to 6 Qualifications of Members Team members must be resident members of Heartwood. Selection Process By January 31 of each year, the Steering team solicits at least 2 volunteers for a Nominating task force. By the last day of February, based on community input and their own judgement, the Nominating task force proposes a slate of from 4 to 6 member candidates along with their selection criteria and rationale for the proposed slate. The slate cannot include any members of the Nominating task force. Along with nominating the Steering team member candidates, the Nominating task force also nominates a Treasurer. All candidates, Steering team and Treasurer, are included in the proposal to the community. To ensure continuity, ideally at least half of the candidates included on the slate are current members of the Steering team. A member may only serve up to 4 consecutive one year terms. The community decides how many members (4 to 6) will serve on the Steering team and who the members will be. If a member resigns during their term, the community may choose to replace that member or leave the spot vacant. Responsibility & Authority Overall responsibility for long term community planning and day to day community embodiment of our Agreements. Specific Responsibilities and Authorities Community Goals and Objectives • Lead the community in establishing community Goals. – Full Authority (community decides on Goals) • In collaboration with the other teams, establish community Objectives to accomplish community Goals. – Proposal Authority • Ensure that community Goals and Objectives are met. – Full Authority Community Topics and Decisions
Team Oversight • Create and dissolve teams. Create their responsibilities and authorities. – Proposal Authority • Create and dissolve task forces. Create their responsibilities and authorities. – Full Authority • Allocate responsibilities and authorities amongst teams and task forces. – Full Authority (with agreement from affected teams and task forces) • Ensure that teams and task forces are fulfilling their responsibilities. – Full Authority Financial • Spend community money (sign checks) within budget limits. – Full Authority • Manage community contingency budget. – Full Authority • Oversight of the Humanitarian Fund (as detailed in the Budget and Assessments Agreement) – Full Authority • Determine qualification for special needs exclusions (as detailed in the Budget and Assessments Agreement). – Full Authority Maintain community calendar. – Full Authority Serve as members of the Heartwood Ranch HOA Board of Directors – Full Authority Oversee and ensure compliance with Community Work Agreement. -- Full Authority Create Nominating task force by January 31 of each year. – Full Authority Coordinate with Mac as needed in scheduling community decisions related to the Phase 2 development. – Full Authority |